Fic: A Cabin By The Woods

Oct 30, 2012 20:12

Title: A cabin by the woods
By: weekend_exile
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: PG 13
Pairing(s): Graham/OMC, Killian/OMC, The Huntsman/OMC
Summary: Dexter puts up with a lot of crap in his life: working at a hospital where the head doctor is possibly a vampire, being one of the (very) few openly gay men in Storybrooke, trying to raise a pet hedgehog that seems to hate him, and being in love with his best friend. And to make everything that much worse, the Mayor's kid is running around telling everyone that Dexter's actually Peter Pan. Who needs that?
Notes: Set during season 1 onwards. Graham, obviously, isn't dead yet. 

character: the huntsman/sheriff graham, rating: pg13

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