"Down the hat and out"

Oct 06, 2012 09:37

Title: Down the hat and out.
ficlet, missing scene.
Author: Keenir.
Summary: Jefferson's brief visit to a new real world while the hat was crashing down....brings out a familiar face.

Rating: PG13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters, nor anything copywritten by Mr. Escher. This is written for fun and enjoyment. this was originally intended as a drabble.

Jefferson fell through the hat, So that part works, he thought, relieved as he slid into a dry chute. Not in Wonderland, he thought with even more relief.

Something passed overhead - it wasn't hard to see where each animal began and ended, but it was difficult to tell what was an animal and what was the space between them.

In Wonderland, physics could be warped. Here, Jefferson observed, physics appeared wefted, even woven.

"You should go back," he was advised.

Jefferson looked at who had told him that, and a young(ish) man, perhaps his age, perhaps younger - different lands age people differently, when at all, Jefferson knew.

"I'm Baelfire," Bae said.

"Jefferson," he said.

"Son of Rumplestiltskin," Bae finished his intro.

"Father of Grace," Jefferson said, finishing his own.

"You can't come with me," Jefferson said; "the hat only lets the same number leave as arrived."

"I am not leaving. This is a land with no magic. I am where I intended."

"All the same," Jefferson said, as he passed back through the hat to Earth. Rumplestiltskin has a son. And now I know how to get to him.

the end.

character: baelfire, character: the mad hatter/jefferson, rating: pg13, universe: earth

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