Mar 23, 2007 12:33
goodbyes are so difficult... they hurt... it hurt a lot more than I thought it would... 6 months until the next time I see you... unless I can convince you to come and visit once... i <3 you
tonight is the girls night of all girls nights... we have so much alcohol even Felicia is getting drunk tonight... congrats us three... we've graduated from pussy drinks to hard shit! yay! hahaha and we've got a nice little hotel room to do it all in. We'll be too hammered to cry... or maybe just hammered enough... lol it's been awhile since I've drank... it's time to cut lose a little... with my favorite people in the world... just remember... tonight is NOT goodbye... Tues is... so no tears... no "this is the last Friday night" cause they'll be many more... promise... (in pleasure island no less) i love you... can't wait for tonight!