Eyebrow Plucking - You speak the truth!lizs18June 29 2011, 18:05:45 UTC
It's totally true that once you start, it's really hard to stop and that it changes the shape of your brow.
Growing up in the '80's, my aunt said, 'You'll never have to pluck your brows' because mine were big and bushy and a monobrow, but she thought they were glamorous like Brooke Shields. I hated them and couldn't WAIT until I was allowed to pluck them.
I got mine waxed before I got them plucked because I wanted to invest in a good pair of tweezers. I got mine waxed my sophomore year in college and my skin reacted so bad and puffed up so much, I looked like a Klingon. Since then, several waxes later, I had a waxer tell me, 'I think you are allergic to the wax' and I rarely get them waxed anymore because of that, but oh the plucking.
I plucked them for the first time for a formal when I was a junior in college and oh my goodness how I loved them. I longed for as thin as I could possibly go and did that for years. What's funny is that when I see pictures of myself, I often think, 'Woah, Liz, you need to lay off the plucking, it's too thin for your face' and I've been trying lately to let them grow back a little, but the stray hairs drive me nuts!
There is just something so cathartic about the entire process and something so soothing for me about looking in the mirror and seeing what looks to me like a groomed brow. I feel like it makes my face look 'finished' even if I'm not wearing makeup and I love it. When my hair is done and my nails are done and my brows are done, I feel just so much more 'done' and glamorous and better about myself. I love makeup, but if those things are done, I'll sometimes go out without it, because I love looking at how it looks, even without makeup.
Re: Eyebrow Plucking - You speak the truth!lizs18June 29 2011, 19:09:09 UTC
Oh totally! I love to look at the brow after it's pulled out to see a bit of skin around it. There's just something kind of 'wow, I just pulled that OUT OF MY FACE' that makes me feel kind of tough! ;)
Re: Eyebrow Plucking - You speak the truth!littlegothkittyJune 29 2011, 20:05:19 UTC
It's similarly fascinating to contemplate Biore strips (at least to me). I get a little too overzealous/OCD when plucking, so I try to get a good threading session done to give me a starting place.
Growing up in the '80's, my aunt said, 'You'll never have to pluck your brows' because mine were big and bushy and a monobrow, but she thought they were glamorous like Brooke Shields. I hated them and couldn't WAIT until I was allowed to pluck them.
I got mine waxed before I got them plucked because I wanted to invest in a good pair of tweezers. I got mine waxed my sophomore year in college and my skin reacted so bad and puffed up so much, I looked like a Klingon. Since then, several waxes later, I had a waxer tell me, 'I think you are allergic to the wax' and I rarely get them waxed anymore because of that, but oh the plucking.
I plucked them for the first time for a formal when I was a junior in college and oh my goodness how I loved them. I longed for as thin as I could possibly go and did that for years. What's funny is that when I see pictures of myself, I often think, 'Woah, Liz, you need to lay off the plucking, it's too thin for your face' and I've been trying lately to let them grow back a little, but the stray hairs drive me nuts!
There is just something so cathartic about the entire process and something so soothing for me about looking in the mirror and seeing what looks to me like a groomed brow. I feel like it makes my face look 'finished' even if I'm not wearing makeup and I love it. When my hair is done and my nails are done and my brows are done, I feel just so much more 'done' and glamorous and better about myself. I love makeup, but if those things are done, I'll sometimes go out without it, because I love looking at how it looks, even without makeup.
Oh brow grooming, how I love thee!
Oh this is fascinating to me as well!
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