It's kind of like a meme. Usually it's about people saying nice things about each other and the person being complimented not being allowed to argue. *grin* But today....
Say something nice about YOURSELF. Leave me a comment here, write a post about it, something. Tell me why you are awesome, even if you are not entirely convinced you are awesome. Just one thing, unless you have a list and then share the list.
We're conditioned, I think, not to toot our own horns, proverbially speaking (because who else's literal horn would you toot? I mean, that just seems unsanitary), not to say good things about ourselves because it is vain or arrogant or what the hell ever.
Here, I will start:
I altered a hat I bought at a thrift store this weekend. I totally changed the shape (yeah, I basically made a pill box hat since I couldn't find a plain one to decorate), covered it with pink glitter, and attached all the necessary whatnot to it. It kind of looks like I need a flashlight so as to escort you to your seat in the big fancy movie theatre (also, I could be the glammest bellhop ever) and that's pretty much exactly what I was going for. I am good at turning things into other things when I really focus on it.
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