May 12, 2008 20:41
Oh dear... Seems like it's about time I get myself a blog. So, here it goes.
It looks like my time will be even more occupied now. Right now I'm a med student at Todai, and that takes a lot of your time away, I'll tell you that. And now my nights will be full booked as well. But it's for a good cause... It's great having the opportunity to see everyone from the old gang again. Turns out I'm going to work part time for Atobe of all people now. There were some very strange - well, probably not all that strange, considering the establishment - jobs offered, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable enough doing any of those, and music has never really been my forte. I love working together with people though, and creating things that are for others benefit, so working in the Event department seems like a pretty good idea, and something even someone like me could manage without causing too much trouble. I guess I just have to have confidence in my own power, right?
It really will be great to see everyone again, as the only one I've kept considerate contact with is Eiji. It will be nice to see him in the flesh again.
I just hope this doesn't intervene too much with my studies...
I'll just... stop worrying now. I'm sorry.
shiny new job is shiny,
egg is worried,
mother hen woes