It's Been a While.

Feb 05, 2007 19:18

Wow. It truly has been a while. I miss this though. I miss expressing myself. So I figured I'd start over again.

A lot has gone on in my life since my last post. I'm now a junior in high school. I had my first real relationship with this guy name Sean. My grandmother died. I got my first NC in school. And right now... I feel like I have lost everything.

Let's start off with Sean...
Sean and I started dating last April on the 24th. We had such a beautiful thing going. We last a total of ten months. However, that is obviously over if you couldn't tell. I miss him a lot though. He meant the world to me and I made stupid decisions.

Ever since Sean and I broke up.. I can't seem to get myself up in the morning. I feel so worthless. You know? Like the one thing I had in my life that was everything to me... just baam! Gone. Anyway, so if you couldn't guess I'm not doing so hott in school anymore. I just cannot focus. My councelor keeps telling me I need to find a new boyfriend but you know what? I think it's too soon. I loved Sean. And although he has moved on.... I don't think I am ready yet.

Well, I better get my homework done. But leave me some comments. I'll get back to you.

Love always,
Natalie Mae Beatrice
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