Jun 26, 2006 23:28
So, here i am: oberlin. How nifty. I feel as though i know the town better, being here and feeling like i belong in the place, beyond going to the school. I really adore this town.
They put out tremendous bins of chalk one day, and invited the entire community to decorate downtown sidewalks... wandering between the artists, i wondered at how "artist" each thought him(her)self (and laughed at "god bless the USA" next to another's gargantuan anthropomorphic fish, and other equally absurd juxtapositions). Every age and level of chalk-ambition was well-represented, and a delightful collective-community-consciousness object emerged: oberlin's bright smeary self portrait on its own face! I chronicle it today because this afternoon it rained, and now it is gone (or at least has lost its lustre, and probably its discernability).
I started my tutoring job this afternoon. There are enough tutors that we work one-on-one with the students, which is groovy. The subject: MATH (bum-bum-bummmmmmm!!). The students need to pass various proficiency tests (only one per, varying by grade). My student is a really nice fellow named Gio. He and i really hit it off; he likes manga, draws his own comics, quotes adult swim, the whole nine yards. He doesn't like numbers. Neither do i. Lots in common! Based on our work today (basic rules of angles + triangles), he seems to be a quick learner, and he seemed very motivated by the fact that i promised him pirated cartoons if he rocks the exam at the end of the course :).
Other than that, i've been hanging out with the headless bodies (there are cool t-shirts now!!), getting jami in trouble for smoking pot at work (but it's ok now; her boss didn't care), watching classic movies (damn chinatown and the sting are STILL GOOD NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I SEE THEM), and reading Will Eisner, the most amazing cartoonist who ever lived including stan lee or jack kirby (and if you know me well you know that this is a revelation of astounding import).
This is weird; this entry is like i'm writing in a... *brrrrrr*... journal. I think it's that i'm getting a little bit community-starved. Not that the people here aren't great -- it's just that there are like 20 of them. To anybody reading this but not currently in oberlin, there are two reasons you should be here: I'm missing you, and you're missing out ^_^. So come visit, bitches.
Now i'm gonna go watch the maltese falcon!
lj! you taught me a new word! (examinate