Round up post

Oct 06, 2010 12:28

The wallpaper for Ep 5 from

SFX magazine in S2 did reviews for a few episodes but haven't done so this series. however here is an weekly editorial piece which has Merlin in it.

Over on Merlin, the crew seem to have hit on a new format too: remaking old episodes but remaking them better. The comedy Goblin episode seemed like a second stab at the ghastly Troll two-parter from last year, but this time it was actually genuinely funny. The Gwaine episode was the Lancelot episode all over again (even down to Gwen getting flirty and the episodes simply being titled “Lancelot” and “Gwaine”), but benefited from the fact that cheeky chappy Gwaine was a lot more interesting than the insipid Lancelot. The show really does seem to have found its stride.
But one thing that’s getting really annoying is that Merlin himself doesn’t seem to have any magic other than telekinesis. Worse still for poor old Colin Morgan - who has to learn the lines - is that every object seems to require a different spell (and accompanying babble of old English) to move it. Just for once, in a fight scene, it’d be nice to see Merlin use invisibility, or create some flames, or vanish something, or even produce a rabbit out of a hat or some flowers from up his sleeve. But no, as soon as you see Arthur getting in a pickle, you know Merlin’s going to levitate a stick or unbuckle a horse saddle. Invisibility is cheaper than telekinesis, so it can’t be a budget issue, so come on, Merlin writers - more imagination please.

(Talking of pickle, anyone else notice a pickled egg agenda in the show this year?)

twitter user ACthe2ndAC( a crew member of Merlin) posted this pic of Morgana's bed. Hee..Gwen's basket:) 

media: promotional images, news

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