I was hoping to hear the results of my biopsy today. I didn't. Now I have to wait for Monday. Well, I guess technically there are 22 minutes left before end of business day. But I doubt I'll get the call before then. :(
In happier news, I am newly obsessed with Doctor Who, particularly the women. I am dying for some DW/Merlin crossover action. Anyone know any fics?
someone started one on www.fanfiction.net but it's not done. would love Eleven to work Arthur's nerves or Ten start a huge mess. Good Luck with your biopsy.
In happier news, I am newly obsessed with Doctor Who, particularly the women. I am dying for some DW/Merlin crossover action. Anyone know any fics?
As for crossover fic, I'm sure I once stumbled across a comm set up specifically for DW/Merlin, but I can't remember the name. Somebody help!
It seems to be in it's nappies still, but might be worth it to keep an eye on it. No idea if this is the one you meant, though. Still, serendipity!
Um, haven't read any with Elven yet, still looking, but there is Donna Noble, King of Camelot which is a treat!
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