Am I Awake Or Am I Still Dreaming, Chapter 2Author:
ella_rose88Rating: PG (or higher not sure!)
Word count: 2,438 (for this chapter)
Fandom/s: Merlin and Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, Gaius, Elyan, Leon, Morgana, Agravaine, Doctor (Eleven), Rory, Amy, OC, Arthur/Gwen and Amy/Rory.
Spoilers/Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin or Doctor Who. They belong to BBC and Shine!
Summary: Arthur and Merlin get mysteriously kidnapped and find themselves in two deadly situations and it’s up to Gwen to go rescue them. Lucky for Gwen she finds three unlikely companions to help her with her mission. For they are the only ones that have knowledge that will help them escape certain death at the hands of Morgana and a very strange and mysterious man. Will they succeed or fail and be lost forever…
Author notes: For full A/N, visit this
link. Thanks must once again go to
withkissesfour for editing this chapter. I would also like to dedicate this chapter to her as it was her birthday last week! Happy Birthday
As always comments and feedback are encouraged and appreciated!