Title: Love Woven Through Two Territories
Themes and/or Prompt/s Children, Capture {this prompt to be used much more later}, Fairytale
mara93Rating: PG13, may border on R later and I'll tag it for that if it does
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen and also Merlin, Percival, Ygraine, Agravaine, OC, and some others to come
Spoilers/Warnings: Violence/Tragedy/Adult romance to come
Disclaimer: I disclaim/Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Summary: A kingdom in danger of attack, another in danger of a reckless future, a marriage of beneficial arrangement is set up. But then amid tragedy and tests of will, something amazing happens, before the cruelest trial. A question. Which is worth more? A kingdom? Or a solitary life? When a devious plot is conjured up, and she is captured, he must choose between territory/its rule, and love.
Author’s notes: Medieval AU WIP story from
ag_fics long challenge 4//beautiful art inspiration by
hope27 at my lj
Time to get to the spectacle’s highlight; she had to know it was coming. Lowering his head and slanting his shoulders, her stature not one of great height, Arthur pressed his lips against hers.