Title: Shatter into the Hope of Tomorrow
mara93Rating: R, but it’s probably mild. I gave it this rating because of violence and mature matter: sensual angsty scenes more than sexual, but I like to be safe.
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine. But some of the characters in this story are made up. The first line of the story is a quote taken directly from the show, posted in bold italics.
Warnings/Spoilers: This has spoilers for all seasons probably. I know nothing about what’s to come for season 5, but it’s filled with season 4 spoilers. It has angst, violence, tension and once in a while a touch of humor. It even has some romance and A/G are endgame, but it’s not an easy route. If you thought the show rushed things a bit, like I have to admit I did, you may enjoy this.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Gwen, Gaius, Gwaine, Merlin, Percival, Elyan, Leon, Morgana, Agravaine // Arthur/Gwen
Summary: Arthur sends Guinevere away after what he sees as the deepest treachery against his heart. When the true treachery begins, and his beloved Camelot is lit ablaze by those he had trusted most, he is lost in every sense. Physically forced away from home, fate equally forces his heart to face its greatest fear, being shattered by love.
Author Notes: This is an extender with a lot of A/U elements for ep 4.09, 4.11, 4.12/4.13. It's a little more Arthur than Gwen, but even with other characters, A/G are the prime focus of this story. It's finished, but over 30,000 words and still giving tighter edits. Updates should be quick. Happy New Year A/G friends.
This wasn’t any gentle embrace. It was a fevered one.