Title: A Dream Gone Bad
rainbow_connec Rating: R
Word count: 1606
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, Uther, Nigel, OC
Warnings: Story draws more on various aspects of a the different versions of the legend more than the BBC interpretation
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin
Summary: Nigel takes Gwen home. (wow, that's rubbish...I'll try to do better)
Author's notes:: This is Part II of The Blood Moon Trilogy. It's longer than a proper one shot so I'm breaking it into bite size chunks because you guys have a life. Posting a bit early for M because she's wicked, ebil good at the puppydogeyes. You should read the prequel Born Under A Bad Sign first, probably. It's
By midday she saw the castle for the first time, its giant stone towers jutted out from a blanket of trees.