Last night, I'm laying in bed and ... not really thinking about much. Hell, i can't even remember what I was thinking.
Out of the bloo comes an image: Wings. Draconic wings and angelic wings as one. The feathered resting against leathered, part of - but separate, individual yet as one.
I guess, spread a set of draconic wings open, and on top/resting against you have the feathered set.
I started to ask, "what, who's?" but nary the thought and I had the answer: Mine.
Once again I am going through a spiritual form flux. Dragon? Angel? Me? Total confusion. There is no solidity, only confusing blured images, indefinate lines.
The last time this happened, it was large cat warring with large bird of prey.
End result, I had to split myself a bit - Spiritually I kept human form, but sub-spiritually, the two other forms blurred around.
Final result: Gryphon.
I went through quite a process just to accept myself and forms, each change easing me into the next.
Now it's time I get closer to the truth. I wonder how long it will take.
I wonder what form it will be.....
x-posted to
dearestangels &
otherkin &