[It's been a while since Yuri's really been able to do any kind of decent training with his sword. The battle dome hasn't been much of a option lately -- even if his wounds are healed, the deepest one he received on his side is still forcing him to hold back a little. But still, just sitting around isn't going to do much of anything for him, so he'
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Which is, in the end, what makes Yuri's weakness noticeable. She almost shouts down to him, but why distract them?]
... Give him a second, Sheena, and he'll notice you up there -- you rooftop person, you.]
Yuri's got something going on, though, definitely. Huh. ...Wonder if he'll admit it?]
Hn. [He loves a good spar with you, but he's wary of that particular injury.]
Anyway! Yuri's not going to stand around or spin in circles while Repede's doing this circling business. Instead, he'll just go ahead and stab the ground, using Crushing Eagle in an attempt to stop Repede from ... well. Circling.]
[Sliiiiiding down the edge of the roof to watch more closely.]
... Which he'll be trying to counter with a Destruction Field. ... ... And kind of regretting that immediately afterward, whether it hits out not. Ow.]
He leaps at Yuri again while he's recovering from Destruction Field, trying to knock him even more off balance.]
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