Aug 22, 2005 19:47
and i know half these people wont get on here to read this so i'm gonna make it quick.
Sydnee Wow. what a terrific friend you have been. i love coloring pictures with you, making memory boxes, riding bikes down to get movies that we never end up watching, seeing you in between classes, and all the wonderful surprise you bring me! theres so much i could say about you!!
Emma bo bemma oh man that reminds me of lindsey hatch's mom! hahaha sorry bout that. I MISS YOU GIRL. i love our trips to scottsdale mall, playing jeapordy and how you ALWAYS win EVERY time, the pretty pictures you make me, laughing at the marijuana dress hahaha, being in chem with you, andddd all the good times in junior high! youre my loverrrr
Trisha You wont read this, but you are a terrific friend. You have been there for me ever since i met you. we have had some awesome times together that i wouldnt trade for the world!
Katiiiiiii why the hell havent we been friends before?! you're freaking awesome and i've loved getting to know you lately!!! you're a great friend and so kind to everyone. love youu!!!
Ashley THANK YOU! you're an awesome friendddd even though we just barely started getting to know eachother. you did an awesome job on kati's hair and my hair! you're the best ever and i love you to death!
Kasey fish my shexy hott dancerrrr!!! i miss going to dance with youu and going tanning! hahaha youre the most hilarious person i have EVER met. lets hang out like old times! and take videos and picture on your camera. HHAHAHAHa i wanna see those again! GOOD times mannn. oh! and elementary school definately wouldnt have been teh same without you. thanks for that cool glasses case and winnie the pooh backpack you gave me! hahahaha youre a babe
Steven You're not going to read this either, but there are so many things i could say about you. You have been an amazing friend. You understand me and i love the conversations we have more than anything. Coldplay is going to be awesome this Thursday. You're the best.
Courtney freaking love you to death. starbucks was greattttt. i love taking the car at night and driving with you! especially the time we got caught by the cops riding your scooter go ped thing at 3 in the morning! HAHAHA and skinny dipping at lindseys houseeee!! AHAHHA i love youuu
Laura pooo my lover on the side!!! youre freaking hilarious and i love having sex with you? hahahaha we have to take naps againn! oh and you better still have all those wonderful notes i left in your room while you were out of town. they took a lot of effort! hahahah i love seeing your silly face at school. you make me pee yo!
Maddie MY LOVERRR. goood times. i miss mr.hornes class years ago and all the stupid boys we would fall over for. shopping, partying, and everythinggg.
josh Starbucks today was funnn!!! you're not gonna read this hahaha but you're awesome. I love your style and taste in music also. you are yourself and thats something not a lot of people are proud to be!
Ryan You're a poo.
Uzzzy! we're getting married. geeee i cant wait. OH look out in the mail! bahhh
Tasia I MISS YOU like crazy. we havent hung out in ages. all the good times...taking pictures, going to the lake, dance team!, shopping, sneaking out at night.
Kayla i miss sneaking out with you to go do nothing! california was so awesome a couple years ago...we definately have to go again together! that movie we saw was gross. youre a babe.
Stephanie I miss you so much. i remember the birthday party you had a few years ago, having PE together, and sitting and talking with you while we both waited for our rides. You are so easy to talk to and i love you so much!
There are sooo many other people i want to write about right now, but the time doesnt allow me to.