1 Fallen Star [Video]

Nov 18, 2009 16:55

[The communicator is kicked on by a furry foot as its owner stumbles past. At first only a flash of cream colored fur can be seen on camera, before he steps away and comes into full view. A cream-colored dog with red ears stands a few feet away from the device, looking wildly around at his surroundings. Even for those who cannot understand the animal language he speaks, his distress is clear.]

Bruce! Yeff! The scent's completely gone...no! After everything, they can't have just vanished! The Zoi...I need to find it. There's no time left!

Earth! Earth, please, where have they gone? I did what you said! The hunt, all of it! Where are they?

[He whines unhappily as he receives no answer and sets to sniffing his surroundings thoroughly, searching for some hint of a trail. He crosses in and out of the camera's view a few times, growing increasingly confused.]

What...? I thought I was in the field, but this isn't the same place. This isn't anywhere I've been in town. Where am I? It doesn't smell anything the same. [Pause. He raises his head and sniffs the air doubtfully.]

Is this it...? The Underworld? But it can't be. They're not here! [He gives a low growl of frustration.] Blast it all!

[OOC: Obviously, he isn't speaking in a way normal people can understand. He is a normal dog other than his mind and is speaking in the language of the animals and higher beings.]

halp, new arrival, well shit

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