the princess' man - 7

Oct 29, 2011 11:20

Here's a frustrating thing: I know you're trying to keep the promise you made to your father (too late for that, actually), but when Seung-Yoo keeps asking about you, maybe the best thing would be to say "Yes you're right, I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

Because this continually growing tower of lies... you know that's just going to lead to pain, right? Putting off the pain will just make it greater (see also: Coffee Prince). Sure, if you tell him right now "I'm the daughter of your father's enemy," the next few moments will hurt a lot. But not as much as what I imagine could happen later. He's going to find out someday. Maybe not if you were nobody, but you're the daughter of a Prince.

Yeo-Ri says: "Something really big will happen if this continues." think? Every missed opportunity to tell him is another layer of future pain. That's how it works. Young love is such an earnest, fooling thing.

"Just looking at a man's hand fan makes you smile lovingly?"

I can honestly say I've never heard that sentence spoken before.

I'm still a little confused about Korean forms of address to a king. There's Ingum-nim and Pae-ah (sp?), but I can't remember hearing Joonah (sp?) before this show. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to study Korean... but really, I've got my hands full with Mandarin so Not Enough Time Or Brain.

And I realize this show has a few of those Table Plotting scenes that can bore me, but somehow they're not bothering me much here. They're not all the same, the camera moves... they just seem less staged and more alive.

Wow, that sort of sculptured tree behind Suyang is really interesting. At least Suyang isn't cacklingly evil (unlike one of his minions). He's plotting rebellion in a very gentlemanly manner, uncomfortable with the bloodshed to come but certainly willing to do what he must.

Okay, the Princess' husband is a bit goofy, but he seems to be a nice man.

Suyang: "Here are three reasons why your friend must die." That whole scene is pretty chilling.

And Se-Ryung overhears her father. That is one fantastic cliffhanger.

coffee prince, the princess' man

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