Round 28 Info

Dec 12, 2015 15:05

*Sign ups will remain open until the round is closed.
Given how busy this time of year can be, this will be an extended round finishing up on 10 January(ish)

- You must be a member and have signed up for this round to participate.
- All icons must be newly made for this round and fit LJ standards (under 40kb, 100x100px and either .png, .gif or .jpg file format).
- No animation. Stills only please, unless animation is part of the challenge.
- Episode stills and promo images are fine to use. DO NOT USE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS.
- Please post three (3) teaser icons, not a banner, and link to your journal or community. Please make sure your entry is public until voting is up. You may also post your icons here, but please put them under the cut.
- Use the table provided or use your own if you'd like, but keep the themes in order.
- If you would like a participation banner, please let me know when you post your entry to the community.
- Put Round #28 - Username in the subject of your entry.
- Everything must be completed by Sunday, January 10th by 11:59 PM in your time zone.
- Please don't tag your entries. I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your icons.
- Have fun everyone! And please let me know if I've missed anything or if you need examples or explanations

List of participants

So for this round I put all the main and recurring characters in a randomiser and picked the first 20 in the list. These will be the "themes" for the round, with one icon made for each character.

However there is a catch - they will be split among Fairytale Land and Storybrooke identities. The first 10 in the list you should icon in their real world personas. The last 10 should be iconed as their FTL personas.

(20) Themes: Regina, Jefferson, Granny, Neal, Henry, Leroy, Sheriff Humbert, Belle, Emma, August, Tinkerbell, Evil Queen, Aurora, Ingrid, Snow White, Daniel, Red, Hook, Cora, Anna


regina jeffersongranny neal henry
leroy sheriff humbert belleemmaaugust

fairytale land

tinkerbell evil queenaurora ingrid snow white
daniel red captain hookcoraanna

!info, round 28