За что могут уволить при капитализме? За спасение ребенка

Jul 05, 2017 20:27

Всё, я устала от печальных новостей и повторения прописных истин. Сегодня радостные новости. Но сначала грустная. О бездуховном западе.

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буржуазная мораль

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matrixmann July 6 2017, 14:53:36 UTC
You know, even in real socialism people doing the same job didn't have exactly the equal pay. But that always was for rational reasons: Deliver good quality and don't work too lame gets you more than the basic pay.
If the plant just could afford it to pay more because they produced and sold a certain repertoire of things which sold for higher prices (due to being more complicated in the making), then they possibly also paid you more than somewhere else.
But it wasn't like all people working in the same position, everyone earns a different salary just for hot air, for nothing. Just because you were a woman or once you were in jail.

in Europe it's still not as bad as in the US, where something like dismissal protection totally doesn't seem to exist, but whenever a small crisis comes or some country can't get its BIP rate up to gloat with it internationally, it's always that topic first again to become subject of "needs to loosen it".
Don't want to promise too much, there already exist a couple of ways and strategies how to get past it and to drop people even though (in German law bureaucracy, it's always the way to needing to sue someone in order to get your granted rights back as a reality, so everyone who wants to do evil can always do as he wants, the way through the courts is pretty long, money- and time-intensive).
Only guess it maybe prevents the big problem from being there in FULL extent. It still shifts the situation over to a little better state than in the US. But who knows for how long...

Yesterday there was a pretty interesting report released to the public by an investigation team which found out that there even exist perverted systems for getting rid of workers who have come to be "unpleasant" to the employers. Especially employee representative from employee organizations were the core aim of this behavior.
They found some private investigator telling them he had orders to follow such people and sound out their private lives, to find anything that could give their employer a reason to fire them and to get past the dismissal protection laws. If even that could not be found, be sure that the private investigator got the orders to put anything into their life which would make them become untakeable for the firm... (e. g. put an item of the firm property into their possession to make them look like a thief)
I think there even was a name of one certain lawyer in the talking which seemed to make his whole living with cases like this - I mean, executing the will of those employers.

So much for the laws that ought to protect you from getting fired.
Even the more: For the will of the employers to stick to them.


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