Медицинская не-помощь

Jun 23, 2017 07:03

Никто не хотел веселиться со мной вчера, поэтому огорчайтесь.

Не зря я вывесила брошюру о советском здравоохранении на видном месте. Для того, чтобы все обратили взоры. Я сейчас помогу начать читать и сравнивать. А потом развить классовое негодование. Даже больше. Развить все, что полагается.

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здравоохранение, капитализм

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matrixmann June 23 2017, 18:54:15 UTC
Seems to be like a common practice everywhere...
Only is enough whenever you hear what Polish health system is like and why Poles rather like to come to German hospitals in borderlands.
Compared to them, it IS a progress.
Even though every German with a little memory sure says about the own system "we're allegedly such a fucking rich country, and then every year they close wards in hospitals, nurses get less in numbers in the wards, stress of the medical personal becomes more and more noticeable, older nurses are quite cheeky and grumpy towards you, and you get sent home earlier than it medically would be advisable".


onb2017 June 23 2017, 19:05:54 UTC
Thanks. Nice to know a different perspective. All those claims of people that compare something to something and on the contrast it doesn't look that bad but in reality it is that bad.

You know it is the same about "socialism" in Scandinavian countries and Finland and such. I just talked to a finish person, they told me that:

"Trust me, we're already fast dismantling social safety nets and healthcare for the benefit of the rich here in Finland. Our current prime minister is a millionaire who scammed his friends and government subsidiaries to get his wealth, and has tried to silence reporters, causing our press freedom rating drop (not that it matters, most of our news agencies are controlled by people with friends in the government. It isn't pretty here."

But some people try to convince others that it is so great in these countries, we just need to reform things slightly here and there and it will be great. No, it won't.


matrixmann June 23 2017, 19:51:51 UTC
Just saying: The picture of the glorious Scandinavian countries already got its first cracks for me 10 years ago because of 7/11/2007 in Finland ( ... )


onb2017 June 23 2017, 20:06:21 UTC
Yeah, agree about the right- wing tendencies in the Scandinavian countries. And about women in Swedish government- you nailed it.


matrixmann June 23 2017, 21:19:23 UTC
I never heard about a denazification in the countries of Northern Europe, so that's probably where the problem already starts. Unlike it was done in East Germany (I don't want to say that West Germany also did a proper one; you know, as the sometimes the same war criminals appeared in high positions again barely as the war had been over, and as along as they lived, they didn't think about bringing them to court for what they have done - it's only a thing of these days of washing one's hands clean that they pull 90-years-olds before court for some things done in that time episode; and then often they were the smallest of the smallest entities in the chain, only some low level worker doing the duty inflicted upon him ( ... )


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