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Mar 09, 2017 06:06

Вчера по случаю празднования  Международного женского дня Google задвинул такой факт на весь мир:

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matrixmann March 9 2017, 18:01:04 UTC
I heard it somewhere that the first woman in space was named Valentina, but I never knew her family name. Lately, I saw small news articles talking about "first woman in space turns 80" and the name they mentioned, first name of her was just this. 1+1=2, it went in my head, so then I knew now who it is. That information I once heard was right. And now additionally I knew, the first woman in space came from the CCCP.

About that doping story I'd be concerned if the US always had won the Olympic games. Why? Because, you know that stories yourself for sure, they always spread it loudly that the CCCP had an organized doping system, China they still say that about nowadays, the GDR did so anyway (it was called back then "Sportmedizin"; don't know if they also called it so in the Soyuz). When the US always managed to be better than this - actually, it makes one wonder that not anyone comes up with the small little thought "Eeer, can you just win against amphetamines without taking amphetamines yourself?".
West Germany is the same; during the past few years there even was a university/research (?) group which wanted to put light on this topic on the West German side, what had been done and what not - don't think this research lasted for long; money was cut short, if I remember correctly, all entities didn't gave them any documents to research and so the topic went under the carpet again.
One thing I remember being released in that context: Finally the admission, the so-called "miracle of Berne" also was only a case of doping. All heroic stories are factually wrong... The rumor and suspicion always existed, but no-one ever admitted anything.
You didn't hear that for long, but if they admitted it one time in media you can guess what is is and why that information later didn't appear anywhere anymore.


onb2017 March 9 2017, 18:11:25 UTC
But don't you think during cold war things like that would be scrutinized like hell? I don't think soviet athlets used doping and even if somebody infividually tried it would always be the fear that they get caught and bring disgrace to the country. I think now postfactum they are just making crap up because the real explanation is that in social country people are more motivated and showing better results and this is an uncomfortable truth.


matrixmann March 9 2017, 18:43:27 UTC
To me it is known that way, even people from real socialist countries take it as truth.
I think this can't be for nothing, it's not like anyone couldn't guess or know what is being done there...
The only thing one needs to take into account for it is: It wasn't regarded back then as doping. It was considered as, as I said, sports medicine.
To me it is also known, the reason for the GDR to do this was they needed to do it, otherwise they couldn't catch up in anything with what the West's athletes were doing in performance. So you can guess the reason why they did so... Only doping helps against doping. In newer times: The system "Lance Armstrong".


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