Инаугурация Трампа и российские патриоты

Jan 21, 2017 09:02

Случилось событие мирового масштаба- инаугурация американского президента №45. Послушала я его эпическую речь и поняла, отчего российские патриоты на ушах от всей той околесицы, которую он нес. Коротко: во-первых, оттого что Трамп-зачетный демагог, а во-вторых, потому что российские патриоты-невежественные болваны, которые не имеют ни малейшего ( Read more... )

Трамп, деградация, патриотизм, капитализм

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matrixmann January 21 2017, 17:55:35 UTC
Don't push yourself too much with the blogging stuff - you kept telling me that everything has its sweet spot in time and place and in the end you even apply it to yourself ( ... )


onb2017 January 21 2017, 19:27:05 UTC
Thanks, I just got exhausted and realized I needed a break but it is nice to have a conversation here and there with people who have similar views so I will be back, like a freaking terminator.

I don't know about Trump, he is looking out for himself being sort of egomaniac but what it will turn into I don't know. I agree, it might cause a faster downfall rather than doing fake democracy like with Clinton. Agree that they are covering up some more important issues with Trump obsession.


matrixmann January 21 2017, 19:54:26 UTC
Ah, okay, then I get it.
Started a break from some other place too recently just out of self-protection. I don't know, for the moment it rather seems to be what I need. Also, if you're always like the 5th wheel on the trolley... Nah, I don't go on about it.

As seeing the inauguration yesterday and regarding the fuzz about it, well, kind of remembers you to what it was like to all self-attributed liberals als Obama entered the office. Taking into account that the ceremony is the same for every new president, still the atmosphere among those who voted for him out of ideological confession is a little bit the same as back then. And one knows how it all ended.
That kind of makes you curious for the future, what will this president land as for his followers when he's finished his mandate? Hard to predict if tiger or bedside rug. Even so, both would be interesting.

Or - in the end, it'll all be a big fuzz when things start, and after 3 weeks it's business as usual and nothing worth all that fuzz anymore.


onb2017 January 21 2017, 20:08:46 UTC
Yes, both: tired and taking a break and also I felt like the fifth wheel. I felt that I am writing and nobody really cares and nothing really matters but ok, I guess take little at a time.

I agree I don't think this inauguration is anything different than any other one. The same establishment basically. The only thing I doubt he'll ever become a tiger. The system is too rotten to withhold any magic, even if he meant to change anything.


matrixmann January 21 2017, 20:34:09 UTC
Think I told you this already: Everyone of those little writers can assure himself and reassure others of their kind that what they do probably makes little to no difference to the rest of the world. One better sticks to that knowledge and does not expect more. If it turns into more, then fine... That's the hope you can have, you can also actively work on a little to give it a push ( ... )


onb2017 January 22 2017, 04:57:08 UTC
Thank you, that's encouraging and I think you are right, I didn't even realize that some people read my stuff.

Yes, it would be interesting to see what it all will turn into. I predict he will just settle down and it will go like any other until crisis hits then it doesn't matter who is the president.


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