Крах мировой экономики из-за обнаружения большого количества ценных металлов

Sep 27, 2021 15:05

Да, именно такой парадокс ожидает нас лет через пять при условии, что намеченная экспедиция пройдет удачно. Но прежде- еще одна шокирующая находка, не имеющая непосредственного отношения к повествованию. Обнаружена в инстаграме: некий дизайнер, путешествующий по миру, находит представителей сиволапых племен и народностей, готовых “обменивать ( Read more... )

ресурсы, капиталистичский способ производства, капиталистическая прибыль

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matrixmann September 27 2021, 20:41:37 UTC
Hm... The story with the bag, I would guess it's fake news.
I say so because of something technical - osteoporosis turns your brones literally into crumb bones. They break pretty easily. Just only doing normal movements may be too much with them.
So the handle of the bag wouldn't last very long, even if it's made of bone material.
(And, by the way, shocking stories get good amounts of attention in social media these days. It's not like the couple of lampshades made of human skin from concentration camp prisoners that the Nazis had forged which could be proven to be real.)

On the main topic of the asteriod:

I'm sceptical towards if it might be actually so good of extracting all the precious metals from it.
Traveling through space, all that can be gained from any other celestial body that has no athmosphere around it is contamined with radioactivity. Unusable for human needs and hazardous to human health.
The next aspect would be if it does so much good to the earth if you carry tons and tons of material from another celestial body to it - as the earth's rotation and everything just is as it is because of the earth's weight that is has.
Hundreds and thousands of tons of additional material could alter that! Which definitely wouldn't do the earth a favor and all creatures that live on it (which includes humans).
A third aspect is: Okay, then we had have more ressources available for use... But what would happen with these? They'd get used up equally like those of the earth. More materials possibly also meant more consumption of these. So, how long would these additional ressources last?
With no change to the way the majority of humans practices and organizes economy.
And still with that anthropocentric worldview where every possible material ressource is destined to serve the will and needs of man and nothing else...

It's totally no good scenario if mankind can get its hands on extraterrestrial ressources which it can work with additional to the earth's ones.


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