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Sep 03, 2024 16:05

Мне наконец пришла в голову хорошая мысля - как водится, опосля! А что если взять и в самом конце сделать первым постом публикацию, объясняющую суть марксистской теории классов?!

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исторический материализм, основы марксизма, vfhrcbpvgjhy

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matrixmann September 3 2021, 17:36:48 UTC
Interesting to see when the beginnings of modern studying, figuring out and keeping records of history happened... Didn't know it that exactly.
Additionally here, new technologies, recording methods and scientific disciplines might have aided in this branch developing anyway (e. g. archeology started at any point in time and so delivered material proofs for past states of humanity and circumstances it lived in - it wasn't always so that humans were interested in digging the earth to get to know what their ancestors did and how they lived; by the way, expect those people who made excavations to have been regarded sharply as heretics for quite some time as they delivered material proofs against those myths about Gods and their doing which made people do this or that or shaped the face of the earth), sheer even made it possible overall (because without any means to record anything, neither paper nor something to write or record, you can't leave anything behind for the world after your existence).

The line drawn through history is quite as interesting (as a view on it) as well...
Always there was a step forward, which later, unchanged in its ways, became a burden to the introduction of new things and outlived itself. So it needed to be replaced by something else, driving human development/evolution further forward.
Actually, this is also a pretty neutral view of it - and I mean that in a positive way. "Neutral" in the meaning of "we just found things developed this way, we cannot change it, we don't even have to like the bigger image we find here, seen with the cultural standard of the current zeitgeist - but we have to acknowledge that it has been this way as it wasn't different".

In that point, it isn't that hard to find the same features of when a big change is about to happen in the present time.
Only thing now is: It's still not entirely firm what kind of order it will be. As this always depends on the society you start with. And this society is cognitively notably retarded, compared to its previous generations, the order itself as well as the profit-driven technological development are to blame for this (e. g. the mass commerce that has been done with smartphones - factually, it's actually a good and not totally impractical technology, but humans get urged to use it pretty stupidly and too many people at once can afford it, so you'll also read all the stupid and uneducated opinions of stupid and uneducated people in the internet as well, and also experience their antisocial behavior).

The signs of what mankind's problems now maybe deliver points which the order might change toward (I say "might").
Those are these negative impacts that too much technology has done to the human mind and cognitive intelligence in only 10 years, and those are all the signs of the climate change which man's doing is like a huge catalyser for.
In the latter spot, the facts point at a necessity to make more effective use of the natural resources that one has - "the age of waste is over", in a simple phrase -, and to also decrease one's own numbers - 'cause more and more humans also means more and more people which don't want to live like cave people. And this means more use of resources than with fewer.
The lesser people live on the planet, the more in comfortable life they can have because there's space and food for wild animals too and it's not just humans and the animals they find a use for.

In other words, which the troubles of this time point at too is (in my view): The age of "man as the crown of creation" is over. The anthropocentric age that all big world religions from the Middle East preached for thousands of years is over - SHOULD be over.
Or otherwise you can seriously start doing research in space travel in order to be technically able to travel to a new planet to live with just a few people as survivors from the earth to take along with you to start anew.


onb2017 September 3 2021, 19:29:29 UTC
Hi! Thank you for taking your time and actually reading this long text. I really appreciate and respect it.


matrixmann September 3 2021, 20:32:29 UTC
You know me... I truly function like someone with Asperger's - I am stupid enough to take on the task as it is; if not today, then tomorrow. I don't even get upon the idea to drop something, unless I'm really stressed at the moment or bored by the content...


onb2017 September 3 2021, 20:41:29 UTC
It is actually a great thing unless it bothers you. So many people read keywords only and it is frustrating. So I appreciate this rare ability.


matrixmann September 3 2021, 21:23:03 UTC
I have to find a translator first anyway to even understand these (linguistically)...
So, I can also take a look into the text anyway.


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