Задания для развития интеллекта дерева (продолжение)

Sep 30, 2016 09:03

Такие задания оказались популярными и я решила продолжить. (На самом деле, у меня просто нет времени писать много серьезных статей, а такие писать легко). К тому же пятница.  Если кому-то опять понадобятся первоисточники, даю: интернет.

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деградация, образование

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matrixmann October 1 2016, 16:13:22 UTC
I only hear that about learning material from the GDR that it often enough explained things easier and more effective, but I lack own experience with it. I can't say anything about it with certainty from my own point of view. And just from owning two or three dictionaries from that time, I won't make my judgment...
The only thing I've gotten to see for real was a history book from back then. And, even if you count the propaganda from these days into your calculation, still you see "they also had things which they didn't like to admit about anytime that they've committed an error". Good thing as an example is the revolt in Berlin, June 17th 1953. It just wasn't only a trial for counter-revolution, it was people were uncontent with a certain set of decisions that took place before. And they weren't sent or corrupted by the Western allies.
What came to add these days - I think it's a newer discovery -: West Germany tried to catch the fame for the revolt and try to "interfere" with it. Speaking, as they knew, some wanted to plan a revolt, they tried to stir up people themselves after turning those down which came with a broadcast request on the radio for a call to all people to hold rallies and protest. They literally tried to turn the protest into a direction that was in favor of their intentions. But it didn't succeed in the end in practice.
Still, West Germany tried to catch the fame for that action for itself and put it onto its flag, tried to ideologically twist it for their purposes, and from then they celebrated it as a holiday as "Day of German Unity" until "reunification", whose role October 3rd fulfills these days.

You know, after some time they could have admitted "comrades, we had been at fault" and not print a narrative like this anymore. That's none the better than the other side, if you keep it like this.
And that's the reason why I said it "if you leave the political stuff aside".
Have the vague memory in my head like there've been some other events like this too, but can't name any more with that certainty.


onb2017 October 1 2016, 16:23:15 UTC
Interesting. The point of socialist society is a true democracy where the collective decision of everybody is the indicator of any politics.

Anyway, some nice people here scanned soviet textbooks, you can find them all over internet. They do not have pictures but teach very effectively. I myself own a few old textbooks. I was lucky to have some glimps of soviet education at school, not in post soviet college but considering that I have quite few very good professors and some of the old textbooks, I consider myself lucky. What they are using now is complete garbage with stupid pictures that are meant to make retards out of kids.


matrixmann October 1 2016, 17:24:37 UTC
Hm, similar with me. I didn't have the textbooks, but I had the teachers.

You see, even without these examples, just the path that I can look back to, I can also already recognize the development that goes from intelligence to remaining stupid if you leave school.


onb2017 October 1 2016, 17:27:18 UTC
Yeah, I think the first 5 or so years are crucial, then you can probably pick up on your own.


matrixmann October 1 2016, 18:42:39 UTC
Hm... Could be true.
The biggest restructuring in which teachers taught me for me was when entering the Abitur years.
Some classes - those I still kept - I think I was happy to have had been taught before by those that I had been.
'Cause to me I could notice the solid base. When some teacher came up during those years which wasn't so good, at least I had the impression like I could compensate for it.
Classes where you didn't have a good one before, and that you've kept up even then, they were still crap.


onb2017 October 1 2016, 18:46:24 UTC
See, I notice the same. Plus we know different languages, I think it helps organize your brain too.


matrixmann October 1 2016, 20:42:44 UTC
Hm... The thinking in two languages already was present in, say, pretty early stages secondary school compared to others. At least I think I've spent more years in sharpening that skills in school time than I haven't. And it wasn't the English classes which brought this up to me, no. Rather I came up with the results from the practice of my own and I could act a little superiority.


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