Не желаете отведать...мышку?

Apr 12, 2020 10:02

Да, зверюшку. Причем есть ее нужно живой. У некоторых это считается нормой. Особенно у тех, на кого забили в их глухой сельской местности так, что им приходится...соблюдать традиции вековой давности.

Слабонервным рекомендуется воздержаться от просмотра.
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Семашко, буржуазное государство, система здравоохранения в СССР, "мокрые" рынки

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matrixmann April 12 2020, 22:11:53 UTC
I would say - that these markets for exotic animals and foods still exist is also a result of a failing education system, which fails at teaching its people that some traditions should be abandoned for the better and/or which fails at changing the populations' behavior to a more "modern" lifestyle at all because it can't make it clear to them that some behavior patterns aren't desired anymore and why.
For example, take a look at those bizarre beliefs that still are able to maintain themselves in China like pulverized ivory or pulverized rhino horn being able to cure diseases or increase libido. Or tiger paws which shall bring you good luck. Or the eating the testicles of a tiger shall give you more stamina in bed...
If such hokus pokus still can keep itself among the population, despite all factual reality "ey, you're eating another animal's teeth/toe nails, what do you think is gonna come out of that?", then this lively shows that proper education cannot have reached all outskirts of the country. (And this means, you failed - because proper education needs to reach all outskirts in the country, no matter how few people live there.)


onb2017 April 13 2020, 14:59:59 UTC
Exactly. That's the point. It is clearly the lack of education because nobody cares about those people.

Oh, yeah I haven't mentioned the exotic dishes of not only rare and endangered species but cooked alive. It is horrendous.


matrixmann April 13 2020, 15:34:07 UTC
Yes, those are also two factors. Consuming or using particular body pieces of rare animals for a reason of simply belief (!), and then how they treat these animals itself while getting from them what they want - such as cooking them alive or keeping them in cages all day long on the market and probably beating them and mutilating tem if they don't behave.

This is an attitude that was relatively common throughout the world as humans all still firmly believed themselves to be "the crown of creation", the lord to rule over the earth and all its life forms (and therefore do with them whatever they want), based on dogmatic (Christian) religion.


onb2017 April 13 2020, 15:49:24 UTC
Or just bored and longing for the rush of adrenaline due to the lack of anything meaningful in life. Idk.


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