Как доброта помогает решать проблемы

Aug 10, 2019 09:16

Зачем менять мир, если всего-то нужно: каждому стать немного добрее, посадить деревце, купить незнакомой старушке в магазине консервы, помочь больному ребенку, прогнать ленивых бездомных…

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matrixmann August 11 2019, 16:44:06 UTC
How many times did "just wanting to help" blind the eye with its stupid sentimentalism...

Btw, offtopic: What's that with the protests in Moscow they keep showing here in the news? What's actually the deal with it (if you know)?
(I know to never trust their reports about big events in Russia here.)


onb2017 August 11 2019, 17:10:06 UTC
Sorry, didn't reply to you in a while. I was taking a little break and then came back to lots of comments. Yeah, stupid sentimentalism is a good phrase here.

Hmm... protests: nothing anyone here would support--idiots who want to attempt to replace one, who serves the special interests with another, who would serve slightly different special interests.


matrixmann August 11 2019, 17:15:26 UTC
Somehow as I would guess it to be.
Anything the West mentions the name "Navalny" in, you can consider as a ballon of his.
Specifically, the "fighting over some opposition politicians being not allowed to run for a post" reminds me of the last big protests in Hong Kong before the current ones... And what were they? Some American political project.


onb2017 August 11 2019, 17:20:08 UTC
Yes, you got it right. I wish these folks used their energy for something useful...


matrixmann August 11 2019, 18:33:39 UTC
Just as hearing it that people are in the crowd who "try to hide their faces" via clothing, it already tells you what's going on. (Reminds you to the Maidan riots.)
Sure that some people have an interest in that in order to not get fired on the next day, but those in question, here as just as well, are mostly riot tourists who came there to commit nothing but violence. Maybe even paid artists are among them too.
Over here, there are laws too which forbid you to come to a demonstration with your face hidden behind clothing, it calls itself "Vermummungsverbot" and is in force through the autograph of West Germany's Einheitskanzler Helmut Kohl.
Additionally, you're also not allowed to come to a demonstration with protective clothing on your body, or to hold an unannounced (unangemeldet) demonstration at all. - Same conditions as there in Moscow.


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