Чем больше рубится бабла, тем жиже суп из топора

Jun 22, 2019 11:03

Сижу я иногда и думаю: всё, предел, о чем писать? Уже всем давно известно о том, что граждане предприниматели продают воду и воздух, а изобретательные желающие выжить питаются отбросами и ночуют в авто-куда дальше? Ан нет, и первые, и вторые еще далеко не полностью исчерпали свои недюжие потенциалы. Об этом и пойдет речь.

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жилье, социальное неравенство

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matrixmann June 25 2019, 18:59:55 UTC
You mean their so-called "Mietpreisbremse"?
Don't be silly. Just the critical parts like new buildings and modernizations on existing flats have been exempted from it. Especially the latter part mostly is> which most of the overprized rents originate from.
The usefulness of this regulation is estimated to be between 2 and 4%.

The additional buildings are rather like placed in between the existing infrastructure.
For example, if you have two 10-story-houses and there's enough space in between them left still to put a house in it, "Lückenbebauung" exactly does that.
In terms of architecture planning of an area, it's like a huge fashion crime. It looks ugly - and it is no fun either for the people who live in this house. First, they only create these private homes with one floor, no houses with several flats in it, and then the preoperty left around this house is so small - if you have two of these one-story-houses standing next to each other, literally your neighbor can steal a cake from your window sill. They stand together this tight.
A lonely building in between two skyscrapers means your privacy outside of the house is ZERO.

So... in terms of "creating living space", it's such a waste of empty space and besides, it's not even real quality living.


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