Финн с шестью яйцами и загрязненная нефть на $ миллиард

May 29, 2019 07:05

Просыпаюсь я минувшим воскресеньем по привычке в 6 утра,-ёшкин кот, всю неделю мечтаю о том, как в выходные буду спать сладким сном  часов этак до...восьми, а тут раз и хоть убей-беру телефон, дабы убаюкать себя новостями о каком-нибудь “важном открытии ученых, придумавших уникальный метод окрашивания ногтей на пальцах ног с целью гарантированного ( Read more... )

загрязненная нефть, буржуазное государство, эффективные собственники

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matrixmann May 29 2019, 16:48:29 UTC
Hm... About these I really have to think for a minute...

Saying, recently I found, when I saw packages of minced meat (mixed pork & beef), that 2,39 € (some like that) seemed quite expensive to me beside the package of minced meat (beef only) with 2,99 €. Both applies for packages of 500 gramms.
But I can't remember the price now for a package of "pork only"...

...I think it's been a bit since I purchased some for the regular price because I needed it for cooking something in particular. During the time of the warm season, you have a lot of marinated meat around (for grilling) which may cost a little penny more anyway, so it's a bit hard to judge, I'd say.

On the other hand, Germany's the one who fucks up pork prices in Europe anyway because of getting production costs to decrease so much, so they can export the stuff to all kinds of areas. Disadvantage of this is: All other countries are getting crushed in the competition for low prices, and over here the ecological and the animal catastrophe grows and grows (because, like, two thirds of the pork production only end up in the home country, the rest goes abroad; so think about how quickly the pigs must grow big).

I know there's been a panic in Russia about African swine fever for years now.
Don't know how it is here, if they shiver here too...

A reoccuring news here rather is bird flu, meaning they found some dead bird somewhere in the landscape which had the virus in it - and then they kill all poultry on the farms in a certain radius around where the dead bird had been found (and the remaining birds in the wider area which hadn't been killed have house arrest, aren't allowed to go outside).


ext_2937235 May 31 2019, 07:02:33 UTC
habe übersetzt mit google.
damit preis im hohe gehet mus mann was ausdenken,und da passt Vogelgrippe


matrixmann May 31 2019, 22:38:42 UTC
Zeitweise konnte man das ernsthaft in Betracht ziehen.


ext_2937235 June 3 2019, 12:01:16 UTC

Ist rot der Geist und grün der Sinn, dann ist im Schädel Scheiße drin.)))


matrixmann June 3 2019, 13:39:31 UTC
Der Verdacht dazu kam einem, weil es in der Gegend hier auch mal einen angeblichen Fall gab (ich glaube, das war in einem Zuchtbetrieb), und der führte erstens zum Keulen der Tiere, so wie das laut westdeutscher Manier bei Vogelgrippe üblich ist, und zweitens für alles im weitergelegenen Umfeld zur sogenannten "Stallpflicht" für alles Geflügel.
Dumm dabei nur, dass einerseits hier ein Tierpark in der Gegend ist mit einigen exotischen Vögeln, die man weder einfach einsperren noch töten kann, wenn davon einer befallen ist, und zudem gibt es auch im völligen Hinterland Straußenzucht (kein Scherz).
Strauße sind zwar auch Geflügel, aber versuch mal große Laufvögel wochen- oder gar monatelang einzusperren...

Engstirnige Strategien, bei denen ihre angepriesene "sich verändernde Welt" scheinbar immer noch nicht angekommen ist.
Aber, was soll man sagen - West Germany's Bürokratie war schon immer so.


onb2017 May 31 2019, 16:01:52 UTC
I think it is mostly because China is the main consumer of pork-da!-and due to the latest wipe out because of the swine fever the producers haul it to China making shortage everywhere else. Those suckers on the other hand have seen an increase in prices up to 70%. Pretty soon all the freaking meat will be out of reach. Eat bread and grass and chill out.


matrixmann May 31 2019, 22:47:58 UTC
It may also be that this development hasn't hit here still because of the huge output rate of pork that they grow here.
So to say, they produce such big masses that it takes a while until the offering side has been sucked dry here.

Ah, btw, I get upon something else in this context: Instead, there are compaigns out there repeatedly to get people in consuming all this modern veggie-stuff. You know, Schnitzel made of vegetable components and such stuff...
At best, people shall turn away from consuming meat at all or even reject things like milk, becoming full-fledged vegans.


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