История о крайнем развитии капитализма

May 20, 2018 09:10

Обратная сторона того, о чем шла речь вчера. Сто раз приводила в пример истории о свободах, правах и привилегиях граждан развитых капитализмов, чтобы знать куда все направляются,

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здравоохранение, капитализм

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matrixmann May 20 2018, 17:27:46 UTC
Well, that is really underhand - charging you for a service that wasn't necessary and that only some overly anxious concerned citizen (or some asshole that doesn't like you) ordered for you.
I think, there was even a very, very evil phenomenon in the past a short while ago in America where people called the police, told them there was some hostage-taking going on (or some other shit that required a SWAT team) at some person's home they didn't like or which they had whatever personal problem with, and the police, treating it like a serious case as they have to, ended up killing the accused person, finding out later no crime actually taking place, they've been pranked.
You know for sure how I think about this "reporting somebody to the authorities" shit... People getting scared from only seeing their own shadow or abusing it for solving personal conflicts. This finking on from the anonymus space really needs to end!

...Ah, while we're at it, seriously I don't know what a comparable scenario would be like here. When they see the need to really take you to the hospital for your own or everybody else's safety, who has to pay the bill for that.
I really don't know.
Usually it's "shit that you caused yourself, you've got to pay yourself" how they keep it with things here. But I really don't know for that scenario.


onb2017 May 20 2018, 18:09:55 UTC
I guess nobody would know unless you get into it personally that is why I found this story to see from a personal perspective. Looks like in the comments people confirmed similar experiences.


matrixmann May 20 2018, 18:27:07 UTC
Guess so. Otherwise, from the point of knowing, only people would know that which have to do with the execution of these kinds of procedures.
But, first try to get you somebody from these (you already have trouble making this) and then, second, you have the issue of "duty of keeping quiet over some things in your profression"... So only someone might tell you privately and with the note "But pssht, keep quiet! It wasn't me who told you!".


onb2017 May 20 2018, 19:04:02 UTC
Actually, I think under normal circumstances it might not be a problem that you were asked to go to hospital because it might be a valid situation when a person does not realize they are hurt. It is when you have to pay money for that. And then it becomes the level where you chose to risk your life because you know you will have a great hardship as a consequence. So it all stems from being unable to pay for something that is supposed to be a right in a normal society.


matrixmann May 20 2018, 20:22:30 UTC
Financially, in that point, as well as if there weren't a thousand other reasons out there why they would want to take you to the hospital just because someone claims he's afraid of you.
I guess, in the point of "delivering people who are a danger to themselves and/or to others", there might also be a big ambition out there to earn yourself an additional star on the jacket, a little higher wage, a better position in the hierarchy and the praise from others "oh, you all protected us from an evil, evil person!", giving your word possibly more rightness just from that.


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