Aug 23, 2016 11:21

Советский ВМФ

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matrixmann August 23 2016, 21:08:44 UTC
I figured that it's some kind of issue like that. Maybe beause I don't have anything to do with belief and through psychology it formed the position in me that God is something that starts in your head and that ends in your head.
Even though, it makes me shake my head how grown-up men that can control tanks can be minded to join the game, be too stupid to differ e. g. Gayropa (Europe consisting of whiny wimps and pacifists) from being gay and such stuff. I won't say anything if they need their God to survive a battlefield, if it makes them feel easier, but not if they start being ridiculously stupid.
Another thing that seems to me like some reason behind it is church-driven is also this plague of making a lot of kids, at best having 5 children coming out of one couple and glorifying that to the highest while space and resources get a little bit more scarce every year. A thinking person would realize "you know what? Every human born less is a good deed to the base we all live from.". Only belief is something that likes to ignore this at its best as it's part of its imperialistic behavior.
Can't understand why even those people who are not in need for it as they live in settled areas still fall for that shit and throw strange looks on everyone which leads a different kind of lifestyle. Russia's not a very populous country, but it's still part of the rest of the world and the rest of the world breeds like a virus or like rabbits. The Yeltsin years have long been over.


onb2017 August 24 2016, 03:22:28 UTC
Religion plays role in birth rate but I don't think it is a case with Russia. It is a demographic crisis in Russia and being the largest country in the world it is underpopulated. I don't think people follow the religion with rigor as other concessions in the world. i don't know, maybe baptists do. I had a friend at school, she moved to Germany at the end of 90s. Her family were baptists. She later married and had 12 kids or something like that.

In Russia it is more like filling the gap of lack of education and daily problems plus nationalistic propaganda calling to get to the roots of culture. But mind that when Russia was religious it was also oppressed by zhar.


matrixmann August 24 2016, 07:26:26 UTC
In numbers I had the impression like the gap that had been cut into the wilderness in the darker years it has been about to be in the state of being refilled again. So that would make population would grow if there added some more.
Compared to other countries in the world, I know, there don't live many people, but - ask the question: Could there be more? Russia also is a country with many different types of climate, of natural obstacles, you can't populate that like in the big cities. Life is too exhausting for that in those areas. By the way, people with higher grades of disease couldn't live there too, which is like becoming the regular way these days.
So - you better do not become the mass of 325 million people that live in North America, that's no good for nature either, locally as well as seen globally.

I could very well think if it came down to things like abortion and contraception, some certain people from cleric Russia and cleric USA could meet and they'd discover they share very much the same opinion.
I don't know how the general opinion about these things is in Russia, but seeing how much those have it with founding families and not be content with just one or two kids, I could guess there's a similar opinion sunk into the public like in some places in the United States where they consider this stuff as tools of the devil.
And I have very few reason to guess that church's influence may not have anything to do with that. They're usually the loudest screamers complaining about it.


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