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matrixmann March 24 2018, 11:38:52 UTC
Errr... Something in me says: What the heck...?!
That anybody just thinks you can sell food again which already landed on the dump, in between all the other stuff (and also the dirt), that already makes me think like: You're not being afraid that anybody may drop dead from botulinum poisoning? And that makes me think like "totally irresponsible!".
If they like distributed the stuff already directly from the fast food chains to those ones which cook pagpag, then that would be somewhat okay because it would only rot in its own juice which already was in the food before anyway or not.
But... stuff that maggots and roaches already put their teeth on, better only eat this if you wanna die 'cause these members of the food chain are there for turning stuff into earth again, they literally smell if something starts to rot and become uneatable for most other creatures.

And I don't mean the man who does that as his job... He would surely do something else what he also was better paid for, if that was so easy to find.
But those which make that a profitable sector for "feeding the poor", those are really irresponsible...


ext_2937235 March 24 2018, 18:07:38 UTC
Verstehe nicht englisch.
Am besten abgelaufen sollen sie fressen. Oder gar nicht-logik


ext_2937235 March 24 2018, 18:19:20 UTC
Прочитал все по-сценарию.лучше выращивать свое но нет возможности.
В этом году хочу попробовать на балконе помидоры и огурцы.
В 7-8 классе выращивали арбуз так же,но в пенопластовой коробке


onb2017 March 24 2018, 19:02:34 UTC
Наверное, не у всех есть возможность. Удачи с огурцами и помидорами на балконе. У вас достаточно света и места? или искусственный свет? А как же пчелы? В смысле опыления? Впрочем, огурцы можно самим, пардон, пальцем. И скорее всего есть самоопыляемые сорта.


ext_2937235 March 24 2018, 20:10:55 UTC
про возможностьНадо хотеть.Я в СССР на болконе вырастил.
Ну у меня места тож не хватит со своим 6 кв.м)но в несколько ярусов.)Пчел хватает а также осы и мухи,все опыляют.
да самоопыляемые тож есть наверное.


matrixmann March 24 2018, 20:44:07 UTC
Un ick versteh keen Kauderwelsch.


ext_2937235 March 24 2018, 20:48:16 UTC
alles klar


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