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matrixmann February 4 2018, 08:45:16 UTC
Like I said, it really came out of the blue as the EU abandoned the regulation many years ago. There was like zero talking about such matters before.
Well, looking at it through the eye of the producers, it makes sense why this came.

Often you only notice the weight difference if you happen to have a package of the product bought half a year or even a year earlier, so that you got an item to compare.
Strangely, some standard things whereas haven't changed their sizes since then Let's say... A liter of milk still is a liter, butter bar still is 250 g and standard yogurt cups also are the same as they always were (I think).

Boah, super dark chocolate... Think I once managed to get my hands on some Lindt's, one sort of chocolate bar I had was was 70% cocoa, the other was 99%. While eating I thought like "this feels a little bit like really strong coffee" (if I knew what coffee tastes like). Not my cup of tea.
The only time when dark chocolate is pretty okay on the product is when it comes down to Halloren Kugeln. But I think, they also didn't do every mixture/variation with dark chocolate, they also did some with normal one...

I'm still angry with Mondelez (the brand owner of Milka) 'cause they seem to have abandoned a sort of Milkas which I always kept looking for whenever a store put them on sale.
Haven't seen any bars with milk cream filling for like already quarter of a year or so (maybe more time)... And I'm starting to get to think, they're dropped that sort. Although I wouldn't guess that it sold incredibly bad all over the years.


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