Самая дорогая недвижимость за 500 млн долларов

Dec 25, 2017 06:05

В предыдущем посте я расписала подарки для заслуженных капиталистов. Но это  был случайный список сущих безделиц, а теперь кое-что посолиднее: самая дорогая недвижимость на рынке жилья. Новое достижение уходящего года.

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эксплуатация, самая дорогая недвижимость

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matrixmann December 25 2017, 19:48:12 UTC
500 billions for a summer vacation house?
I'd have expected to get a full-blown command center for that or a top secret bio lab, including personnel.


onb2017 December 26 2017, 03:02:02 UTC
The personnel is included by the way. Two years prepaid. I mean, just cooks and servants.


matrixmann December 26 2017, 09:22:49 UTC
Yeah, caught that in between - but, seriously, even personnel prepaid in advance for 2 years, such a piece of junk is supposed to cost 500 millions? I mean, look at the relation what other things in that sector cost (much less) or what you can get otherwise for the same amount of money. It's... downright stupid. And then the house is even not intended for occupation all over the year!
Even if I were rich, a waste of money for my understanding.

Edit: Don't know how I got "billions" from the text, the headline clearly says Mln... But still, even 500 Mln are a chunk.


onb2017 December 26 2017, 18:04:50 UTC
I don't know, they say it is massive that's why. Maybe location. I read that a shoe box house in California cost at least a million. So must be that.


matrixmann December 26 2017, 18:10:17 UTC
Good, okay, property prices can play a role in that. As prices for property hike like everywhere in the world.


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