Well. Three glasses of Carlo Rossi Paisano later, and I'm updating livejournal from my good friend/platonic life mate/psuedo-boss's house
Bimberly. I am wearing the same clothes that I have worn for the last two days, have been going to the gym simply for the purpose of showering, and have begun to constantly carry on my person the following: travel toothbrush, travel toothpaste, speed stick, 1 package Froot of the Loom size 30 men's briefs, 1 package sport socks, a hairbrush, and all of my schoolbooks. As many of you may probably assume, I am once again homeless. Somehow, I refused to learn my lesson last summer from moving in with Kammee, and of course was destined to fail out of a successful living situation with #2. As of now, "my" apartment-where I'm explicitly unwelcome, is occupied by 3 people, 10 bicycles, and all of my stuff piled/boxed/bagged up. I am hopefully moving in shortly with one Nick Schick in the good ol' trusty U-D, but his landlord is being slightly shady. Although it has been fairly hectic this past week, I am confident that things will fall into place shortly. Admittedly, I am kind of enjoying the transient lifestyle. I've had to occupy my time in many new creative ways, and have been able to have some awesome sleepovers with Sterl, Bob, and also my recently home from Africa cello buddy Ruth, and her awesome roomie (who, by the way, is very good breakfast company.) I've also been kickin' it lately with the long lost Snake (a.k.a. Trae, a.k.a. Valton), and Nick #2. Many episodes of "Ab Fab" and "the Chappelle Show" have been awesome. It has been frustrating to be unstable, but I figure the worst that could possibly happen is that I may be forced to rent out some shitty frat house room for a few months with 8 smelly guys, and one bathroom. That last resort would undoubtedly be about sixty-million times better than Puyallup. Fo' shizzle.
Anyway, sorry that I have been absent as of late, but I love you all. ESPECIALLY my precious bff Benjamin. Benji- sometimes, I think about you and shed a small little tear. I heart you.
Finally, have any of you ever listened to Tom Waits's "Rain Dogs?" FUCK! My music collection is now complete. Also, thank you Rosemary for recommending Antony and the Johnsons. Rufus makes me cry on the inside.