Hi there

Nov 24, 2014 10:52

So, this is my third, I guess, blog (blogging?) attempt. A couple of years ago I have finally abandonded my first livejournal, the one that kept track of me more or less up to date from the latest school days and through the most of my university years.

For me blogging began as a communicative attempt, an urge to expose myself to other people in anticipation to get some attention from them. It probably worked for me, at least I got some interesting-for-a-while connections from that journal readers, yet eventually the majority of the lj mob shifted to social networks, twitter, real life, some other shit. I too have left, for it no longer made sense for me.

Surprisingly, I have found another urge in me self - the urge to write my thoughts down. I guess that's the real point of keeping journals - instead of all those "what I did today" senseless memos. I've tried to keep these records in text files, email drafts, evernote, etc, and now finally back to the idea of blogging the notes in lj. Plus, the fact that they are published online adds something "random" to the idea, though now the point is not to seek for the readers.

Speaking of the latter, I also have considered putting the thoughts down a bit more organized and publishing the articles on Medium - sometimes I do feel like doing that, but I don't really like what it turned out to be. While some of the articles there are truly brilliant, quite many of them (at least among the most popular) are ever-the-same pro-equality organic-grown femi-anti-racist-anti-rapist shit, written in very poor mediocre American ghetto English. I do not necessarily claim that my language is better, I rather mean to say "if you intend your article to be read and spread, if you want to make a point with your words, then please do it nicely". No one wants to read four-word sentences (with half of these words being unnecessary parasites), especially a) if you could make your point with one four-word sentence b) if your argument is invalid, and you should feel bad.