Feb 05, 2005 16:51
R U READY 4 SOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMME FOOOTBALLL!!!OK SO THE SUPERBOWLZ 2 MORROW, CANT WAIT, 4 HALFTIME, AND COMMERCIALS! I HEARD THEY HAVE PRACTICALLY THE SAME PPL PERFORMING THAT THEY DID @ THE ORANGE BOWL?( I PROBABLY SAID IT WRONG)EVERY1 EXCEPT ASHLEE SIMPSON, CUZ THEY BOOED HER OFF STAGE @ THE ORANGE BOWL. yEA, I KNOW SAD!NEWAYZ IM TAKING OFF CAPS LOCK NOW...ummm.. so morgan how waz ur partee, i wanna know everthing.. 2 the second....well, mayb not the second, but i heard 11 waz there, i thought u said he wazn't gonna b there, but hey it waz ur partee, i heard he got n a fight.............figures.newayz i took out every braid on my head BY MYSELF! im so proud of myself. i finished @ lyk 12:30am,and i work all day from wen i got home 2 then, no breakz except 2 eat my chinese combo. then 2 day i had 2 wash, condition, oil, blowdry, plat, itz a lot of work wen my mom getz home from work, im gonna press it. i tasted these chocalatez i got some friendz 4 valentinez day, and itz kool, cuz itz all a small box, w/ not 2 many chocalate, but enough, and some fruity flaverz 2! u know safeway haz some good stuff 4 valentiez day, but if u havent already gone there 4 stuff, dont , cuz chances r we'll end up w/ the same stuff. and the best thing iz, if u wanna get stuff, u can get good stuff 4 good prices.. and yea, u dont hafta spend lyk more than lyk $15 for lyk 6 ppl. WOW! i havent written n a loooong tym. so.. doez ne1 have a special valentine? i know i dont, but oh well, im used 2 it, w/e. but really i cant wait til v-day!!!, and then JENZ B-DAY! wattar u doing?, i got the perfect idea of wat 2 bring u 2 skool 4 ur b-day...CUSTUMIZED! itz genious ( i spelt that wrong, i know it). well thatz all! u know wat 2 do!!...... .......... ............ .........