Jan 08, 2005 22:55
i dun have ne thing 2 write but manda told me 2 update, so i will.. 2day me and manda went 2 this thing 4 my church, it waz lyk a dinner, and we got n2 this big DISPUTE, it waznt lyk BIG, but it waz um...letz say ..informal. well my dad told amanda that her guess bag waz big, and me and derrick agreed, and manda waz lyk mad or somethin, all defensive and everything.she said that no1 wherez small purses nemore, and big bagz r lyk watz n, and so i waz lyk..so u only dress 4 watz n style? but she said she lyked the big bagz 2 neway. i dunno wat the rest waz, i guess who waz more fashionable, not lyk i waz sayin no i am, and same w/ her, but lyk manda said well i mean really the stuff i wear iz fashionable not comfertable, cuz i guess mine iz...her example waz me wearing a sweatshirt 2 this church event, but really why not/ ITZ CHURCH, AND WE were the only kidz ne wayz, i wazn't tryin 2 impress ne1, she said she wazn't either. she said she waz gonna call ppl and ask whoz more fashionable, but it waz a joke... i think. but it wouldn't matter newayz cuz i dress how i want, n wat i lyk, and ppl have different opinionz wen it comez 2 fashion,thatz y therez so many different stylez. i dunt know, but should i b insulted? cuz it kinda feelz lyk it wen i think about it... oh and manda, i waz thinkin about it, and u dont have 2 wear baby phat, and all those deisigner labelz 2 dress "black" i mean..do u really c petra and lyk i dunno shondola wearin that stuff all the tym? not that i think i dress "black" cuz itz totally stereotyping, jus lyk actng "black"