(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 17:54

oh man I am so bored I will fill this out for you not to read, because who will actually read it? Though I read everyone else's because I was bored. hehe

f i r s t s
first best friend: Amo
first car: Margaret--1994 Ford Aspire, crazy greeeeeniiisshh hatchback.
first real kiss: eehhhhaaa???
first real break-up: I dunno if I've really had a "real break up". I broke up with Scott through a letter in 9th grade! haha!
first screen name: star_1120 I still use the hotmail addy
first self purchased album: I don't recall the very first tape I bought, but I'll name a few... wierd al, SHAQ DIESEL... I guess that's all you need to know... haha
first funeral: Gram... back in like 4th grade.
first pets: Scooter (cat) and Jeff (golden retriever)
first piercing/tattoo: nose and ears, and 3 tats.
first credit card: My 'rents gave me one to take to france, then the gypsies decided they needed it more than me.
first true love: What exactly is a true love? I mean, i know that i love some people, and i know that i love other people more than i have ever thought possible... is that true love? <--- WORD, Joe.
first enemy: I don't recall having one...
first big trip: what is considered "big"? Went to Canada twice, France, Florida a couple times, DROVE TO CA... I dunno whatever.
first music you remember hearing in your house: Lots of oldies. Pa like a da oldies.

l a s t s
last car ride: Yeshturdaaayyyy
last kiss: When Jamie left a bit ago to go do some work.
last good cry: Coupla nights ago on the phone with my bean.
last library book checked out: none, but I've bought a few...
last movie seen at the theatre?: Alfie... don't go to the theater very often...
last beverage drank: Coke
last food consumed: rice a roni!
last crush: hm... I'm not so sure!
last phone call: called jamie when I got off work.
last time showered: yesterday. I'm not a ho, but I guess I'm dirty. haha
last shoes worn: My 10 dollar adidas shoes that I got on ebay, what?? yeah...
last item bought: Paid a dollar for a bus ride the other day...
last annoyance: My roommates.<-- word.
last time wanting to die: never really ever wanted to
last time scolded: *shrug*

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends? Hannah and Erin are the ones that I still contact as regular as possible...
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? sure do

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop? Online!<-- a ha! yes!
any tattoos or piercings? I've already answered this.

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? nah
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? a generic biosilk
03. what are you most scared of? not getting anything done in my life.
04. what are you listening to right now? the tv blah blah blah
05. where do you want to get married? I like the park idea like my ma and pa did.
06. how many buddies are online right now? don't care, really. haha
07. what would you change about yourself? not a whole lot. I'd like to slow down the boob saggage though.

f a v o r i t e s
01. color: I've begun enjoying green lately.
02. food: I could go for some pierogies
03. boys' names: your mom
04. girls' names: jo papa! no... I like stella... not sure about a boy's name yet.
05. subjects in school: french, BAND. haha
06. animals: dogs!
07. sports: ehh
08. perfume: whateva
09. cologne: LOOK /|\

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yes.
02. done any drugs? Yes
03. bungee jumped? nope
04. made yourself throw up? nah
05. skinny dipped? yeah
06: been in love? I love Cap'n Pants!
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? sure
08. pictured your crush naked? Yeah
09. actually seen your crush naked? possibly
10. cried when someone died? Yes.
11. lied? Yeah.
12. fallen for your best friend? Fallen for a good friend, not the best though
13. been rejected? i guess so
14. rejected someone? kinda, yeah
15. used someone? not on purpose!
16. done something you regret? not sure

c u r r e n t
clothes: jeans, pink cookie monster tee and jeans
music: noooonnneee
make-up: not today
annoyance: trying to finish a survey that I've decided halfway through is way too long.
smell: the room...?
favorite artist: ehehaa;;? yaeh
desktop picture: One I took of the access road right before the marina entrance in geneva in january
cd in player: no CDs... iPOD!
dvd in player: it WAS Terminal, but I took it out and sent it back to netflix
color of toenails: "naughty" is the name of the color... it's like a dark burgundy.

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: pissed that i have to get up before I'm ready to.
i dream about: My own magical mystery tour that involved my cousin Bob.
love is: all you need.
last person you danced with: Jamie, Liset, Gabe, Jason, Ashia, Jake and Robin at Gabe's par-tay!

[] I think I'm really attractive.
[] I prefer winter over summer.
[] I am a geek.
[] I am a shopaholic.
[x] I am reasonably intelligent.
[] I am attracted to girls.
[x] I am attracted to boys.
[x] I like British accents.
[] I smoke regularly.
[] I smoke socially.
[X] I drink socially.
[] I drink regularly.
[x] I get drunk easily.
[] I do "drug(s)".
[X] I will never date a bad kisser.
[X] I've lied to avoid kissing them again.
[] I brush my hair at least 50 times a night.
[] I am religious.
[x] I am not religious but have morals.
[] I lie frequently.
[] I am impulsive.
[X} I am hardworking.
[X] I liked/loved Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
[] She's All That is one of my favourite movies.
[] I am good at History.
[ ] I speak more than two languages.
[x] I enjoy taking pictures.
[x] I like spending money on myself.
[x] I like spending money on others.
[x] I have a regular income.
[] I earn money on a job-by-job basis.
[x] I pay my own bills.
[] I rely on my parents for money.
[] I can cook.
[] I enjoy cleaning.
[] Tidiness is a must in my life.
[] I like clutter.
[] My idea of good music is Britney Spears.
[x] I am fashion-conscious.
[] I have good taste.
[] People tell me I have good taste.
[x] I am told I have yet to fulfill my potential.
[] I am good at sports.
[x] I am good at certain sports.
[] I couldn't do sports to save my life.
[x] I am creative.
[] I am extremely artistically inclined.
[] I want to be an artist when I grow up.
[] I want to be an engineer when I grow up.
[X] I eat when I'm upset.
[] I cannot adapt to change.
[] I am interested in politics.
[] I have shoplifted.
[x] I download MP3s.
[X] I have done underage drinking.
[] I have gone underage clubbing.
[x] I can dance reasonably well.
[] I can dance extremely well.
[] I dance like a cardboard gorilla.
[x] I can sing. (anyone can sing)
[x] I sing like someone stepped on my foot.
[X] I can swim.
[x] I enjoy surveys.
[x] I enjoy surveys when I'm bored.
[x] I keep a journal.
[] My teachers don't like me.
[X] I enjoy controversy.
[x] I can be a bitch/bastard.
[] I have a thing for bad boys/girls.
[x] I have tattoos.
[] I've been in a nudist colony.
[x] I'm not sure if I want to have children.
[] I'm not sure if I'll get married.
[] I know who I will marry.
[] Someone has a crush on me.
[X] I am interesting.
[X] I am a good liar.
[X] People enjoy talking to me.
[x] I annoy people from time to time.
[] I am a born leader.
[} I am a born leader but shouldn't lead.
[x] I've snuck out of the house.
[X] I enjoy felching...
[] I have a foot fetish.
[] I have a shoe fetish
[] I watch Sex And The City.
[x] I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker is pretty.
[] I want to be J Lo.
[] I cut myself.
[x] I have cut myself. (not on purpose)
[x] I hate people who pretend to be suicidal.
[] I hate popular people.
[X] I think cheerleading is a sport.
[] I am photogenic.
[X] I live in Chucks.
[X] I think graffiti is art.
[] I have dated a criminal.
[] I have been cheated on.
[] I have cheated on someone.
[X] I have a temper.
[X] I like playgrounds.
[X] I dance in the rain.
[] I am obsessed with Shakespeare.
[x] I have tanlines.
[] My favourite color is pink.
[] My favourite color is black.
[] I would classify myself as emo.
[x] I am musically inclined.
[x] I like listening to music.
[] I like music-blasting cars.
[] Thongs are comfortable.
[] I like flip-flops.
[x] I know what monogamy is...
[x] ... and I believe in it.
[] I want to be a social worker when I grow up.
[x] I have sibling[s].
[] My siblings annoy me
[x] I think South Park is funny.
[x] I prefer Google
[x] I can sit Indian Style
[x] I own a cat
[x] I plan on owning more.
[] I read a lot.
[X] I've cheated on a test.
[x] I've let someone cheat off of me on a test

yeah... that wasn't that fun. haha
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