I HATE PEOPLE!!!! (none inparticular)

Oct 22, 2004 14:55

UGH so ok so yeah my day has been pretty crappy at the moment i dont even knwo if i want to talk about it but whatever the fact that my best friend would question my christianity freakin pisses me off!!!!! im sorry if i dont want around flaunting it or whatever but i mean all people are different!!!!!!!...... ugh im prob gonna say somethign that i will regret later in here but you know what o well i wanna speak my mind so im going to.....1st of all my life does nt need a boy to be fufilled! that you VERY MUCH....2nd my friends come before my boy friend ....and although it might nor always seem like i am paying attention i am im sorry if it seems like im not or i am being rude or whatever but get over it!......and i mean people just need to accept people the way they are i swear we should freakin take a test before we can be someone's friend caus eyou want to knwo how that person is going to be before you become a friend with them you knwo what i mean!?!?.....like i mean i like that people have my back and they are there for me but let me hand my own business!!!!........if i feel that somethign in my life will hurt me then i can handle it and take care of it myself DONT WORRY ABOUT ME!!....let me fight my own battles.....some of you might take some of that the wront way but whatever i mean it how i mean it and that's just how it is.....i just dont see how someone can, as close as they may be to you, say something so hurtful to you.
but anyways back what i was saying if god wanted us to be perfect then he would have made us that way btu he didnt he wants us to be individuals and have our own way of life and chose our own path and mine is with him and some people might not knwo that but hey they ones that read this that didnt know well hey now they know!......i life my life how i see fit in god's way i pray every night before i go to bed and i feel as though i live my life as best i can through god and it just KILLS ME to hear someone tell me that just cause i dont talk about god at school or whatever that im falling in my christian faith......maybe not the exact words but pretty much the jist!....anyways yeah so whoever reads this think long and hard about it cause as far as im concerned i believe in it cause people are freaking stupid and need to figure out their livee before they try to figure out other peoples!!!!.............PEACE
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