Best. Birthday. EVER!

Nov 03, 2011 21:22

The day started out with husband cuddles, which are always amazing. He had off today and I didn't have to go in until 2, so we had a lovely morning together.

Then I get a text from timelord1 "Check your flist, doll face! :):):)" So, I do. And I discover THIS:

Only the best birthday fic EVAR!
AND LOOK IT HAS A SEQUEL! Seriously, TL1, we're good for, like, the next ten years after this one :-D

ALSO, I get an e-mail that SOMEONE *coughcough who_in_whoville coughcough* bought me a one-year paid account! Seriously, I will use the heck out of this :-D USER PICS! AND OTHER THINGS THAT I STILL NEED TO EXPLORE! BUT MORE USERPICS!!!! Seriously, awesome.

And I get word that I'm getting ANOTHER birthday fic from one of my other amazing Dalek Cult Sisters (yeah, it's a thing...don't worry, we're mostly sane), kelkat9 which just...makes me head explode from excitement. I know the importance of not rushing the muse, but I am PSYCHED :-D

Then I get two lovely birthhday messages from tracy_lousia and amberfocus, and virtual gifts from emraldeyedauter and develish1, and numerous wishes from LJ comments...which all just blew my mind. I mean, seriously, I expect people who I interact with on a daily basis (i.e. my family and very close friends) to at least send some form of birthday greetings. But all of this? Really? I'm just...completely blown away. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU times a million!

Oh, and the people I know in non-virtual life were wonderful, too :-). I had an amazing birthday lunch with Mr. Bearskin and Little Bear at our favorite Chinese place, a nice shift at work, and a lovely dinner at Eat 'n Park, one of our famous Pittsburgh establishments. I got a Happy Birthday Smiley Cookie (again, Pittsburgh thing :-D), a song from the wait staff, and we all got dessert on the house. Also got numerous texts and FB messages which made my day, even if it decimated the battery on my phone :-)

BUT WAIT...THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Bear picked me out a card. Despite Mr. Bearskin trying to direct him to the "To Mommy" type cards, he wanted one that I could have fun with. Hence, THIS:

image Click to view

Then I received a lovely, sentimental schmoopy card from the hubby, which made me cry a bit.

THEN I GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!

image Click to view

This is the newest addition to our family, Dalek Antoine. He's the underprivilidged youth Dalek we adopted from Skaro. He threatens to exterminate you when hugged. We're working on his attachment issues.

He'll get along very well with Dalek Bob:

And Thomas Martha (Little Bear named him/her):

Sorry, I can't figure out how to get these to orient properly. Will tinker and get back it it :-)

So, yeah...fabulous day. Thank you, everyone, for making it so special :-D :-D :-D

happy, rl

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