Dark and Stormy Night

Oct 18, 2011 19:59

Title: Dark and Stormy Night
Author: onabearskinrug
Rating: ADULT
Pairings/Characters: Nine/Rose, mentions Jackie
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Het, one fairly naughty word that was necessary for a quote from The Exorcist
Summary: The Doctor and Rose are left behind to distribute candy on Halloween. Too bad it's storming outside.
Author's Notes: I can't believe I'm actually posting this! I've never actually made my smut public before, so please be gentle! I wrote this for the Halloween ficathon over at bad_wolf_rising, using the prompt "It was a dark and stormy night..." Also made mention of this prompt:

Super-mega-awesome-honey-badger thanks to kelkat9, timelord1, and who_in_whoville for their encouragement and awesome feedback!

It was a dark and stormy night. Heavy rain splattered against the window, thunder rumbled ominously, and the occasional flash of lightning illuminated the tiny flat, lit only by the glow from a horror film playing across the small television. A man and a woman were seated on either side of a sofa, ostensibly watching said film. However, they were ignoring it for the moment, as a deeper and more dangerous struggle was taking place between them.

“Don’t hog all the popcorn, you big oaf!” Rose protested, snagging the bowl back from the Doctor’s greedy hands.

“Oi!” he responded, tugging it back to his lap. “Who made the popcorn?”

“Who paid for it? Cheapskate.”

“Whose TARDIS popped it perfectly?”

“Who paid for it? Oh, sod it.” Rose slid from her corner of the sofa and snuggled against the Doctor’s side, loving the feel of his soft wool jumper against her cheek. “Better.” She reached over and easily snagged a handful of the delicious, buttery snack. “Easy access.”

The Doctor scoffed, but put his arm around her shoulders to tug her tighter against his side. “Admit it; you’re scared of the movie. The popcorn is just an excuse to have a cuddle.”

“I am not afraid of this movie!” she vehemently protested, right before the young girl on the screen began doing unmentionable things with a crucifix. At this, Rose shuddered and buried her face in the Doctor’s chest. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”

His teasing tone immediately softened. “You shouldn’t be. You are a logical, rational person, Rose. Possessions? Exorcisms? Ninety-five percent of the time it’s a telepathic alien species, not a demon.”

“And the other five percent?”

“They’re just barmy.”

Rose giggled and relaxed a bit into the Doctor’s side. Despite the wind howling outside, the ominous rumbling of the thunder, and the incessant tapping of the rain against the windows, she couldn’t have felt safer than she did at that moment, tucked into the Doctor’s embrace and lulled by the gentle double-beat of his hearts.

That is, of course, until a rather loud “BOOM!” followed by an equally loud “CRACK!” echoed through the flat and the pair were plunged into darkness. Rose yelped, startled, blinking to try and adjust to sudden pitch black.

“’S all right,” the Doctor soothed, stroking a hand across her cheek. “Lightning probably hit a transformer. They’ll have a crew out to fix it as soon as the rain clears up. Not a good combination, live wires and water after all.”

Rose nodded. “What do we do until then?”

“Well,” the Doctor began, patting her knee and rising off the sofa. “I’m going to get the sonic and you’re going to tell me where the candles are. Then, Rose Tyler, you and I are going to make ourselves sick on that Halloween candy your mother insisted we distribute to all of the non-existent children who Trick-Or-Treat in a lightning storm.”

“I’m so gonna kill her when she gets home.” Rose’s voice took on a slightly higher pitch and an incredibly nagging tone. “’Now Rose, if you go out, who will be here to give out the candy? You know we can’t let the kids down! I have plans for Mo’s party, of course I can’t stay!’ Last time I let her borrow my Sexy Gunslinger costume.”

The Doctor shuddered. “You ought to burn it when she comes home. Ah, here we are!” The room was suddenly bathed in a soft, blue light. “Now, candles?”

“Top of the refrigerator, there’s a whole box of ‘em. Wiring’s not good around here, the power goes out a lot.”

“Hmmm,” the Doctor mused. “I’ll have to take a look at that before we go off again.” He returned to the sofa with the box in hand and set about arranging the little tea lights on the coffee table. Once he was satisfied at their layout, he flipped the setting on the sonic and lit them all quickly. The blue glow was immediately replaced by warm gold and the Doctor chanced a glance at Rose. He was taken aback by how lovely she looked in the flickering light, but was instantly more interested in the contemplative look on her face. She was such an enigma, his Rose, and it drove him mad not to know what she was thinking.

“Hey,” he murmured, cupping her face and using his thumbs to smooth the crinkle between her brows. “What’s this face all about?”

Rose closed her eyes at his gentle contact, taking a deep breath before speaking. “’S just…aliens…can they really do that? Possess your mind? Make you do things?”

The Doctor sighed. He was never one to sugar coat the dangers of the universe. Rose needed to be prepared. “Yes,” he answered, his hands moving to rub her shoulders comfortingly. “There are telepathic species out there who are just morally ambiguous enough for it. There’s also technology, far in the future, that can transfer someone’s consciousness into another’s body. It’s called a psychograft. It’s banned most everywhere, but that doesn’t stop a lot of people.”

Rose shivered. He recalled how upset she had been when the TARDIS had translated alien languages for her. Of course this news would disturb her. He imagined that the idea of someone going into her private thoughts and using her mind to act out whatever they wanted was not something she had ever expected to experience in her lifetime. Now, being faced with the possibility, she looked scared.

“I can help,” the Doctor quickly offered.

“What? How?”

“Telepathic, me. Just with higher standards than most. If you want, I can put up barriers in your mind. It wouldn’t completely block out a psychic attack, but it would slow them down enough to give you time to get away.”

“Really? You can do that?”

“I can,” he answered. “But I would have to go inside your mind, Rose, and I don’t want to do that without your permission. That alright?”

“Yeah, ‘course,” she agreed instantly. The Doctor was a bit shocked, and his expression must have shown it. “What? If there’s anybody I trust to be inside my brain, it’s you.”

“Just…back on Platform One…”

“Well, I barely knew you, did I?” she teased. “I can’t just let anyone in there, I’ll get a reputation. No, it doesn’t bother me. Go ahead, Doctor. I’d feel better.”

“All right,” he told her. “Turn towards me.” They faced one another on the sofa, legs pretzeled beneath them. He cupped her face once more, pressing the tips of his fingers to her temples. She closed her eyes instinctively. “Just relax. Breathe in,” he instructed. She did. “And out. I’m going in now, Rose. Anything you don’t want me to see, just imagine a door closing over it. I promise, I won’t look.”

“Okay,” she murmured, right before she felt the gentle nudge of his presence against her mind. Then, very suddenly, she felt a soft warmth travel all through her body, spreading from where the Doctor‘s fingers lay against her temples all the way to the tips of her toes. She gasped. It was amazing, this feeling. It was as she had just collapsed into a large pile of cushy pillows, snuggled in the Doctor’s embrace and the pair of them wrapped in a soft, woolen blanket.

“Oh, Doctor,” she breathed. “Is that you?”

“’S me,” he replied, somewhat shakily. “Oh, Rose, your mind…you feel…”

“Incredible,” she finished for him. “You feel it, too?”

He gulped. “I didn’t expect this…not from a human. You’re slightly more telepathic than most. Good thing I’m putting these barriers. Hold on…”

He took a deep breath, forcing himself not to concentrate on how good Rose’s consciousness felt mingled with his or on how her gentle presence seemed to light up the dark, empty void where the millions of other Time Lords used to be. He put up barriers around the various centers of her mind, protecting her sense of self, her memories, her emotions; everything that a psychic attack would attempt to overtake first.

Once he had finished, he was reluctant to leave Rose’s mind. He backed out slowly, stroking and soothing bits of her consciousness, leaving her gasping and sighing. He was about to remove his fingers from her temples, severing contact and, with it, their temporary link, when Rose’s hands shot up and grabbed his wrists, stilling his motions.

“No,” she protested. “Not yet. Just…stay? Please?”

The Doctor’s eyes shot open and stared at Rose as if he’d never seen her properly before. Warmth flooded through him, his hearts started racing and he struggled to breathe. If he thought he’d ever known happiness in his entire existence, it was nothing compared to this. Wave after wave of his love for her poured off of him and, uncontrolled, gushed into Rose’s mind in torrents. She gasped, completely overcome and practically drowning in this gorgeous feeling, yet it still was not enough. She pushed onto her knees and brought her lips firmly down on his.

The storm and the darkness were instantly forgotten.

“Doctor,” she breathed against his mouth after breaking the kiss. “Oh, Doctor, I love you so much…”

He muttered something unintelligible, too overcome to form coherent speech. Instead, he consciously flooded Rose’s psyche once again with his feelings for her. She practically sobbed with it and, instead of responding vocally, she somehow managed to gather herself together enough to push back, sending the depth of her own feelings through their link and into his mind.

She completely lost her concentration at the Doctor’s desperate moan. He clutched her face to his and kissed her again, pushing his tongue past her lips and entangling it with hers. Rose moved to straddle the Doctor’s hips, linking her ankles behind his back. A strangled noise escaped her throat as his hips thrust against her, the thin cotton of her pajama bottoms allowing her to feel how badly he desired her.

The Doctor’s hands were still cradling her face, the skin contact maintaining their connection as white-hot flashes of need and love coursed behind their eyes. Still, he couldn’t help how badly he needed to touch her. Thankfully, Rose seemed to be thinking along the same lines. She pulled back just long enough to remove her little camisole, and it was all the encouragement the Doctor needed. Immediately, his lips were back on hers and his hands were greedily caressing every inch of skin he could reach, her gorgeous breathy little noises spurring him on. He broke away from her kiss only to take one nipple into his cool mouth without preamble.

“Oh, God…Doctor!” Rose groaned as his lips and teeth pulled and suckled at the delicate flesh. She clutched the back of his head and moved her hips erratically against his. The pressure between her legs was building almost embarrassingly quickly, and she could already feel her knickers practically soaking through.

“Rose,” he whispered reverently, pressing kisses down her breastbone, his hands splayed across her back. She whimpered at the sound of his voice and began clutching at his jumper, desperate to feel his naked torso pressed against hers.

The Doctor could feel her growing impatience through their link. He knew they should slow down. Making love to Rose for the first time was supposed to be slow and sensuous. He was supposed to take his time worshipping her body and making her come so many times she forgot her own name. But as her hips undulated desperately against his and her hot human hands sought every bit of skin they could reach, he knew that slow was not in the cards.

They had plenty of time to get it right. Rose needed him and frankly, he was desperate to make love to her.

Pulling away ever so slightly, the Doctor divested himself of his jumper. He tossed it carelessly to the floor and Rose immediately pressed against him, both of them sighing in relief at the contact. The Doctor’s hands passed over every bit of skin that was within reach, tracing kisses and gentle nibbles over her neck and collarbone. His fingertips dipped below the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms, tracing along the hidden skin there and making Rose shudder against him. He pushed both the bottoms and her knickers down while Rose fumbled with the button-fly of his jeans and, after some fancy contorting from them both, he was finally poised at her entrance.

The Doctor gathered up all of his remaining self-control, forcing himself not to plunge into her welcome heat just yet. He once again cupped her face in his hands and kissed her eyelids, softly pleading with her to look at him. Brown met blue as she opened to him, and he smiled softly at her before pressing his forehead to hers and taking a deep breath.

“I love you,” he whispered as he pushed inside of her.

They both gasped as the link flared white-hot between them. Rose didn’t move at first, savoring the feeling of the Doctor finally inside of her, hard and thick, her body stretching deliciously to accommodate him. She chanced a look at him and what she saw took her breath away. His head was thrown back, eyes clenched shut, muscles in his neck tense as he tried to keep control of himself. His hands were clutching her hips almost painfully. He looked ready to snap at any moment.

The sight of him caused a fresh wave of heat to pass through Rose, her muscles fluttering around him. It was all he needed.

He pulled Rose roughly against him, kissing her deeply as he guided her movements over him. His hips met her every movement, the pressure building quickly and fiercely between them. She was moaning encouragements into his mouth and neck, crying out to her deity and sobbing the Doctor’s name. He lost nearly all higher brain function and lapsed into Gallifreyan, whispering his love for her and begging her never to leave him.

He knew she didn’t understand him, but something snapped inside Rose and she began moving fervently against him, crying out desperately as her muscles rippled around him, the pressure inside of him finally snapping as the link between them glowed hot and bright. The Doctor groaned out her name and joined her in release.

Rose collapsed, heaving, against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tightly to her. The Doctor could not stop touching her, tracing his fingertips along her arms and whispering his love for her into her hair. The candle light flickered gently around them, their link buzzed in contented bliss, and the Doctor knew that, even if he lived another thousand years, he would never experience another moment as perfect as this.


Rose practically leaped out of his lap as the power came back on in the flat, the film continuing from where it left off. The Doctor laughed heartily, and Rose smacked him in the chest.

“Not funny!” she protested, reaching for the remote to click off the television. She snuggled back into the Doctor’s chest, humming contentedly as he stroked her hair.

“Mmm,” she said softly. “’S nice.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, chest nearly bursting with emotion.

“Guess the rain’s stopped.”


“We ought to get dressed before…”


doctor who, fanfiction, oh em gee, challenge

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