graphic requests

Nov 18, 2005 09:15

yes, i do take requests!

my typical work schedule is seasonal, so i usually go off and disappear for a month traveling, and then have i two months of downtime where i work from home. i like making dorky web graphics to keep my brain functioning to some degree as not to get rusty. i also make photoshop resources in photoshop cs. mainly, brushes, gradients and textures that don't recall much freehand work.

turnaround will depend on how complicated the graphic/resource you need is or if i'm swamped with real life work. the easy stuff are color bars, banners, desktop wallpapers, headers, and icons. also, if you have any of my already made icons and you want it custom altered, just let me know. i can do simple animations, but as a general rule, i find them to be extremely irritating and i don't like to make them. they also take me a long time to do because i'm simply not an animator. i will make a layered *.psd file for you to give to someone else to animate, if i can't get it to work right.

fill out this form in your comment (which is screened only to me) with as much information as you can. whatever you don't know, leave blank or just ask.

graphic type: [icon? wallpaper? background? header? friends-only banner? other (please specify)?]
resource type: [photoshop cs is all i have, but if you need an image pack, i can supply that. brushes? gradients? textures? anything else i haven't covered?]
dimensions: [how big do you want it?]
links to images: [show me what pictures you'd like me to use]
color scheme: [main colors used in your journal]
text: [exact words. any other descriptives - including font links and colors if you know what you want.]
description of what you want: [the more you give me here, the easier it is for me. or if you just want me to go nuts, i can do that, too. but if you have something in mind, it'll make my life a lot easier.]

see? easy! and it's free.
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