Random. So much random.

Sep 26, 2007 19:02

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

ONE: I love tea. A good 15 cups a day is about usual. *dies from tea related disease*

TWO: I read my Bible every night without fail:) Even if it's at 4am after a cast party... still gets read:)

THREE: After exercise or a bout of gym goodness, i can't concentrate or speak clearly... When i box or run, it's all about the internal thoughts "You can do it, one more set, one more km, just 10 more push-ups, dodge that jab-cross, duck the hook, just 20 more crunches..." lol! When i have to re-enter the real world, my speech is usually pretty messed up:P

FOUR: I couldn't eat a lima bean [string/green bean variants included] or a beetroot if you paid me. I'd puke. Lol. Oh.. and i hate tomatoes...? Wt... lol..

FIVE: I was a massive iceskater back in the day... came third at nationals!:O Lol.

SIX: Big dental hygiene person... 2 kinds of listerine... listerine toothpaste... 3 times a day... lol. Weeeird.

SEVEN: When i was 4 or 5, the Mr Squiggle [REMEMBER?!??! Lol!!] show was cancelled. I came home from school one day and the Mr Squiggle van was in my front yard. My Grandad had bought it off the station... what the deuce?!?! Lol:) It had the hole in the roof where the cameras went and everything!! It was aweeeesome:D

And well, an 8th fact is that i'm not known for sticking to the rules. I tag


and ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO IT!!!!! Ooooooooo!! BAM!


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