Oct 23, 2005 17:02
So this weekend was pretty special...If you want to call it that
On Friday I had Mat and Keerstin and Steph(mississauga)come over and we jetted off to punktoberfest 8. I liked most of the bands there. Expecially Overdose,Krotch Wrott, and the Bunch Of Fucking Goofs. I saw Adam there...he's cool because..it's Adam..urm yeah..
Anywho on Saturday Pigott came over and Shelby tooks us to punktoberfests' second night. This was a good night. I enjoyed pretty much every band that played. Dirtybird,HockeyTeeth,The Amatures,Return for Refund,The Metal Eddies,Buzz Deluxe and The Heatskores all on one night...wow it can't get much better than that unless you put the bands I mentioned from the first night on this night and somehow magically got the throwaways back together...
I managed to spend my money wisely and was able to pick up everything I wanted.
So now I'm a happy camper..hooray!
On other news I finally found some sort of band, Peter Smith on guitar, Eliot King on bass, and Me on drums. I'm really hoping this band works because there arn't many punk bands left. Too much ska. But that's an arguement that could go on for years...First practice is on wednesday,,hope it goes well:D