Elliott Smith Passed away!

Oct 27, 2003 20:59

wow i must say that's tragic. i miss my old cd...dont know where it is; its probably where are the other missing cds are->wouldnt mind getting another.
am so exhausted of everything...esp my body. god, i really need to work out. i could have a nice shapely body but laziness and glutten always get the better of me. if only i could just scrape the fat off, or just donate it to the millions of children who need...or even to the movie stars who want collogen lips...could very well take it. but enough with fat...
boy, i really feel stupid at work majority of the time. and it really doesnt help when you have people on the phone demanding stupid medical claims to be reprocessed. as if it was my goddamn fault. well enough said about that mess. wish that one day i could find what i've been looking for all my life...a career perhaps; a good job...dunno! i must face it that i will never like anything i do, never be happy with my body...brain...soul and just realize that its just tough shit! well the daydreamer that i am, will never suit with possiblities that are mediocre or what would the pharse be...contentment. i am unable to be content nor find pleasure in the way things are...not going to fall
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