Oct 26, 2012 20:52
Honestly, the oncoming storm was a bit much in terms of drama. As if stumbling through dark woods running for your life under a full moon wasn't enough, it had to threaten to rain as well.
Days like this made Bela wish she'd taken that damned vacation to Florence, rather than stick around at home and play nice with the White Hats. Helping out with the moral high ground was looking to end with her dead sooner rather than later at this point.
They're already through the cabin door and Dean's slamming it and barricading it behind them before she half realizes that there's a building there. Talk about adrenaline. Her heart's slamming in her ears and her shirt is warm, and when she sinks down onto the floor to catch her breath the warmth coalesces into blood. The slash along her wrist and forearm dripping sluggishly. Right, claws, there were-
She pressed it back against her shirt, mind numbed from shock and fear for the moment. It's ok, it's not a werewolf, the hearts weren't missing, damnit why did she agree to this.