We play pub trivia on Tuesday nights.
This most recent Tuesday night, I parked my car a few blocks from the pub (parking seemed scarcer for some reason) and on my walk from my spot to the pub the following three things happened in a span of 45 seconds or so:
1. Young, hot dyke couple walks by and the butch one tells me that she loves my hair.
2. Walk past an older, hot dyke couple lingering outside the local Balkan restaurant smile and nod as I walk by.
3. Then, I walk past a pretty butch, tall guy (6'6" at least), really buff/built. Look down and he is wearing Birkenstocks with painted toes.
I think to myself: I fucking love this city and all its weirdness.
I get to the pub and sit down. Moments later,
colonelpanic appears. He had been on the cusp of giving up on parking and not coming to trivia. He plops himself into the cradle of the pub chair with the curved back and declares: "This whole city can fuck off and die."